This week....

This week we have continued our mindfulness and yoga activities (I hope you have tried them at home too!). Everyone is feeling very chilled.

We have also been finding out about how to stay safe online. We have had interesting discussions about how long to stay on an digital device and what games we could play on them. We then watched a short film about Smartie the Penguin. Click here to watch at home. See if your child can remember some of the rules.

If you click on the button below you will find some online safety tips. Also, click here to watch a short video.

Throughout the week story times have been dedicated to stories that help us understand the internet and more importantly stay safe. Here they are online!

Click here to listen to Once Upon and online

Click here to listen to Chicken Clicking

Michelle’s Blog

This week we have continued our theme of health and wellbeing and mindfulness. We love the bubble burst video, it really helps us to concentrate and to feel calm. Mindfulness activities have so many benefits for children’s wellbeing.

Yoga has been lots of fun this week as we continue to learn lots of new positions.

We were very surprised to find those sneaky snakes had returned and escaped all over nursery. It took us a while to find them all, some were even trying to escape out the window. Watch out, you never know where they might end up next!

Next week is half term, so we hope you all have a great week off and we will see you all after the holiday.

Don’t forget to look on purple mash for some fun activities.

See you soon,


Apologies for the lack of photos. For some reason unknown to me they wouldn’t upload. I will ask Michelle to email them out to you…sorry. Fingers crossed for all the other photos! Barbara

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone!  I can’t believe that we have come to the end of our first half term…where does the time go?? It was lovely to see some of you at the parent drop in this week and to be able to share some of the children’s learning with you from their floor book. We sat as a group last week and looked at all the things we have been learning since September and we couldn’t believe how much we have done together.

I really do hope that you all manage to spend some time together over this half term.

Thank you for all your support over this half term.

See you all after the holidays.


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

It has been lovely this week watching the children be so kind to each other. They have worked together in the garden to find different ways of moving down the ramps. Some of the children pretended they were stuck and needed a superhero to help them! We ‘had a go’ like Tommy Turtle and ‘didn’t give up’ like Sadie Spider!

We have continued practising Number 7. We are so good at noticing the different ways we can make it – 4 and 3, 5 and 2, 6 and 1. Even 7 and 0! Ask your child to show you different ways on their fingers at home. We enjoyed playing a game on the big screen that let us practise counting 7 bees – we are so good at this! Have a go, click here, you can choose which number you would like to practise.

When we come back after half term we will continue looking at Number 7. We are going to make a rainbow each for our key group floor book, and fill the colours with 7 special things about us e.g. our favourite colour, our pets, what we like to play with. I can’t wait to hear what is special for your child.   

Have a lovely week off and I’ll see you soon.


and just a few more from Justine!

Reading stories with our paired class, Mrs Hotchkiss and Year 3

This week we started our ‘getting together’ activities with our paired class. Year 3 came to visit us in nursery and to read us stories. It was so lovely! Some of the children even got to read along with their sibling!

Take a look at some of the photos. You may also want to check out the Year 3 blog for more pictures.

Lenten Boxes

As part of our Almsgiving, this year we will be decorating Lenten Boxes to give to children in our paired class (Year 3) and Year 3 will be decorating boxes for all the nursery children.

The boxes will be then sent home for each child to fill with the money they have earned by doing kind acts for others. When your box is full you can send it back to nursery. Last year was a bumper year for donations…let’s do even better this year!

A big thank you to everyone who managed to come along to out parent drop in session. It was so lovely to have time to catch up with you.

As you know nursery will be closed for half term from today (10th) until Monday 20th February so I have put a half term activity sheet in each bag if you wish to take up the challenges. Good luck and don’t forget to send us some pictures if you manage to complete any of the activities.

As always thank you all for your wonderful support and I will see you on the 20th.

Keep safe and God Bless
