Year 3 homework given on Friday 10th March


Geography Words



Mount Vesuvius



Words with the sh sound spelt ch







Please have a go at using this week strategy to answer the following sums:

85 + 30 = 79 + 50 = 62 + 50 =

71 + 40 = 88 + 40 = 50 + 62 =

Did you notice anything about a couple of these sums?

Below are a few examples from this weeks work to help you…


Children, your challenge is to create a non-chronological report on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. You can present your non-chronological report however you choose e.g. in their homework book, on Purple Mash, on a larger piece of paper etc. The more creative the better! Your report should be well structured with an engaging title, subheadings, photos/drawings and bursting with information that makes the reader want to keep reading…not to forget geographical vocabulary! For those children who want to really challenge their brains, can you also include a rhetorical question and conjunctions (when, if, because, although, while, since, until, before, after, so)?

Below are some resources to get you started. Parents, this event was of course devastating and I’m aware that there are photos on the internet that the children may find unsettling. I kindly ask that you monitor their research. Thank you!

You have got two weeks to complete this challenge (23.3.23) and really give it your everything!