Year 5 Homework to be handed in by 16th March 2023


This weeks spellings are our orange words(tricky words). The first 5 words are new tricky words that we have learned this week. The following 7 words are previous tricky words we have done before.

  1. convenience

  2. muscle

  3. disastrous

  4. neighbour

  5. interfere

  6. rhythm

  7. curiosity

  8. embarrass

  9. persuade

  10. familiar

  11. thought

  12. cough

    Mrs Mathers group

    1. because

    2. began

    3. better

    4. cried

    5. different

    6. door


Weekly SPAG sheet which has been stuck in their books.


Will be on IXL. Children are instructed to use the short multiplication method, rather than the long method. Here is a picture of both methods side by side, to see how they are presented differently. Children can also use the long method to double check if they have the right answers.

  • E10- Multiply 1 digit numbers by 2 digit or 3 digit numbers.

    Here is a picture of how we have been modelling to the children of the different between the long and short method of muliplication.


To finish their solar system fact files. The children have been working these for 2 weeks so they all know exactly what they are doing. The steps for completing the fact file are;

  1. All information/research to be filled in.

  2. Colour all of the planets.

  3. Carefully cut out each planet, including its information box.

  4. Cut out the small circle at the bottom of each of the boxes.

  5. Place your split pin through all of your planet sheets to create a fan (cover sheet ‘The Planets, the Sun and the Moon’ should be at the front).

  6. Take a picture of your child holding their fact fan, which is to be stuck into their book.

    Children will have 2 weeks to complete this, so it will be due on Thursday 23rd March. Here is what a finished fact fan would look like.

    Here is a picture of what a finished fact fan will look like.


To keep practicing our new song ‘Lean on me’ on the clarinets. This is available on Charanga. The children have been doing really well with this so it is important that we keep practising these skills.