Walk in the Light....

This week we have been completing our sponsored walk around the school field (on very wet days we have walked around the netball courts)! As we walked we sang ‘Walk in the Light of the Lord’ hymn. Friday was great fun, we walked in the snow!!!!!

We began to read the Easter story in readiness for Holy Week. We read one part of the story each day but the children were so eager to read on to see what happened next. We discussed how Jesus died on the cross and the children then made crosses out of any object or toy they could find. They have been very inventive, take a look!

Painting Spring Flowers

As we are noticing signs of Spring (before the snow!) we decided to paint pictures of a selection of Spring flowers. We painted tulips, daffodils, iris’s and hyacinths. Have a look.

Michelle’s blog

This week we have started each morning with our sponsored walk round the field. On Thursday we were amazed to walk in the snow as we wrapped up warm and braved the elements. We had lots of fun making patterns in the snow with the brooms and brushes but we were a little disappointed that we didn’t have enough to make a snowman.

We have continued to work hard at practising our mark making, writing in the sand and as a very special top secret project- I’m sure you will find out all about this in a couple of weeks time.

We have learnt some new letter sounds this week, some of these are tricky sounds but we are getting really good at recognising the sounds now. This week we have learnt j, v, th ,y and w.

This week we have also learnt about number 8 and have practised how to make 8 in lots of different ways.  We were excited this week to have a delivery of sand and had to work out how to move it to the sand pit. With lots of team work and working together we worked it out!

Hope you all have a good weekend.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone. Hope you have all had a lovely week. It has been a very cold week but we didn’t mind so much because at least we got to see a little bit of snow! Sadly, on Thursday it disappeared as quickly as it came! But on Friday……..there was lots and lots of snow. We even made a snowman! See photos for details!!

Last week we started giving the garden a little tidy up and we moved a few of our resources which means that the children can get things out more ‘independently’ and because everything has a place we are able to tidy it all away too (we are trying very hard!)

We already love books at Nursery but there has been lots of discussions about our favourite stories….it turns out lots of our favourite stories are about animals. Last Thursday, because it was World Book Day we decided to do a quiz….we did really well. Click here to play at home!

Finally, as you already know we just love Numberblocks and we enjoyed watching the episode where the ‘Fluffies’ arrive in Numberland. We know some different ways of making a number 7 (number bonds!)  6 +1=7  5+2=7  3+=7. Click here to watch.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Steph’s blog

What a fun week we have had! We have started each morning with our sponsored walk around the field or the playground depending on the weather! We are getting so good at singing ‘Walk in the light of the Lord’ – we have got louder and louder each day.

We have been busy making cards for our special Mummies this week – it has been lovely hearing their thoughts about you all. I won’t put the photos on the blog just yet to keep it a surprise for you!

We have continued our work on Shape, Space and Measure this week. We used the bricks to make churches and castles. The children independently chose the bricks they needed to make the structures balance so they wouldn’t fall over. ‘This is a pointy one’, ‘I can add another brick to make it bigger’. We also had a delivery of a big bag of sand and had to work together to get it all in to the sandpit. We’ve added the photos to our display in the classroom with our tower building from last week.

It was fun to end the week with a snow day! The children were so excited to complete our sponsored walk in the snow – we had to wrap up warm! It was great fun playing in the garden but unfortunately there wasn’t enough to make a snowman!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and a few extra from Justine!


We have learnt some new sounds this week j, v, y, w, th. Click below to learn with Geraldine Giraffe.

Click here for j

Click here for v

Click here for y

Click here for w

Click here for th (special friends)

How many things can you find at home beginning with these sounds? Enjoy your sound hunt!

Wish list

Our collection of underwear and socks has become perilously depleted. If anyone has any unwanted items to replenish our stock we would be very grateful!

Similarly, we are looking for any old pans and kitchen utensils to restock our outside sand kitchen. We had a delivery of one tone of sand this week and the children have been asking for real pans etc! Please can anyone help out!

Thank you in anticipation.

We are loving number eight still. Eight is great! Click here to watch. Next week we are thinking about meeting number 9! Can’t wait! Look out for a number eight ‘search’ game coming home this week.


How exciting, on Friday it had snowed during the night! Everyone was so excited! We took full advantage and made a snowman and had a jolly good play! Take a look at the photos below and check out Mrs Gregan’s blog on the schools main page. She has compiled all the photos from around school and made a lovely video!

I have to finish this week with some sad news. I am still trying to digest it myself. After ten long and happy years at Our Lady’s our lovely Colette has decided to hang up her early years boots and seek new challenges away from education. Over the past 10 years Colette has loved and nurtured so many children, it will be a great loss to both early years, education as well as our nursery and wider school community.

I am sure that each and every one of you will feel as upset as we are at losing such a fabulous and valued member of the team, but as Colette says “now is her time” to try something new. I am in awe of her bravery and would like to wish her every success and happiness as she opens a new chapter. Sadly, Colette’s last day at nursery will be Friday 24th March. We must treasure her for the next couple of weeks.

Wrap up warm and have a lovely weekend.