Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.03.23 ' Live the life you love, love the life you live'

Another busy week in Year 5, as we began our week with our parent book looks. The children really enjoyed the opportunity to show their parents some of the work they have completed this year. It was lovely for myself to step back and watch the engagement of both child and parent while they shared their favourite pieces of work. We finished our week with some rather unusual weather conditions. The school grounds covered in snow which kept the children in an exhilarating mood all day

Mrs.Gregan set out our rules and responsibilities for playing in conditions like these. However, she did propose the idea of a snowman building competition. Not to cause any bias but I think we may have won…

In English, we have continued with our sci-fi writing and the children have been producing some excellent pieces of writing! The children’s ability to draw upon their own imagination from nothing but a picture and to produce such a detailed and descriptive pieces. The children have really focused in our skills/grammar lessons and have been able to apply these to their writing.

In Maths, we have continued with multiplication but have learned the ‘short multiplication’ method, a quicker and more efficient method of calculating bigger multiplication questions.

In Science, the children have been doing lots of research into the planets of our solar system and creating a ‘fact fan model’ to display their research. We have also began to learn how planets move via orbiting, rotation and revolution.

In RE, we have continued with our topic of Reconciliation and have been learning and discussing about different types of sins and how our conscience indicates our decision making around sins. The children’s retrieval skills throughout RE have been outstanding, such as being able to retrieve all 8 beatitudes, a topic which was last taught 3 weeks ago.

In PE, the children continued their teamwork skills througout both our indoor and outdoor PE units. Their ability to work well as a team has aloud them to make huge progressions throughout activities and games.

In Music, we had a computer based lesson, where the children were working in groups to write their own music and creating their own rhythm to our song ‘ Lean on Me’. The children then practiced our song on the clarinets and have been making huge improvements.

Let’s Celebrate

Betsy for being a reflective learner: You have worked super hard this week and have really focused during independent tasks. You are always wanting to improve your writing and also ask for help in tricky Maths calculations which has allowed you to produce lots of fantastic work.

Owen for being an enthusiastic learner: For showing a real passion and desire in our Eand Maths topics this week. You get your head down and are away getting your work done to the best of your ability.


  • Parent’s evening: The first round of parents evening begin next Wednesday on 15th March, with the next round being on Wednesday 22nd March. If you have not done already, please book your slot on School Portal. This is the same website and format as the last parents evening, back in October.

  • Trip to Liverpool: Please fill out permission slip forms for our trip to Liverpool on Thursday 30th March. All information regarding travel and pay are also on the trip blog on the year 5 page.