Year 3 Blog 17.3.23 - "The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members."

What a speedy week! We have been super busy in maths, and can proudly say that we have cracked subtracting through 100. At first we found this a little challenging, however with perseverance we are now subtracting whizzes! In English we have read the story, The Night Gardener which was full of great description. After reading the story, we became dictionary wizards, learning how to find words quickly by focusing on the first two letters of each word. The children worked brilliantly in their pairs, we have a class of sharing, caring Roger robins!

We have continued to learn about electricity in Science, focusing on the role of switches. It was fantastic to see the confidence in the children, when first asked to make a circuit which included a switch. Once again the children worked beautifully together making sure each member to their team had an important role. They then represented this circuit in their science books and wrote such clear explanations to describe what was happening. Well done Year 3!

On Thursday the children spied on a Roman soldier who had strayed from his legion. The children sketched the soldier before interrogating him with their own inquisitive questions. The children then continued to spy on the Roman army, learning about their artillery and tactics. They wrote a report to their Celtic Chief about what they had learned and whether or not they should take on the ruthless Romans!

The children have continued their learning about fractions. Their retrieval of fraction notation from last week was amazing! They have now learned how to represent fractions in different ways and in different contexts.

It was lovely to speak with the first half of you during our spring parents meetings. Thank you for taking time out of your day, so that we could discuss your child’s learning journey so far, it was really lovely to celebrate how much they have grown during the first half of their time in Year 3. I look forward to speaking with the rest of you next week!


Toby, you’re creativity and eagerness to think outside the box has shone this week. You are such a critical thinker Toby and are always pushing your brain to grow, grow, grow! You thought of deep questions when interrogating the Roman soldier and your report to the Celtic Chief was engaging and factual. Well done Toby and keep thinking outside the box!

Beth, you have been such a determined learner this week. You showed great patience when working as a team in History and were eager to gather as much information as you could. Your report to the Celtic Chief was creative, beautifully presented and bursting with key information, that you had collected when ‘spying’. We are so proud of you Beth and your resilience in the classroom, never goes un-noticed!


  • On Tuesday 28th March Year 6 will be holding a cake sale to raise money for CAFOD. All cakes are 50p and will be delicious. If your child would like to buy a cake, please can they bring 50p into school with them.

  • Walking to church: On Wednesday 29th March, Year 3 will be walking to church to celebrate mass with the rest of the parish. Please make sure you have a waterproof coat on this day.

  • On Monday 3rd April Year 3 will be sharing a very special assembly, The Last Supper, for all at 9:15. It would be lovely to have see you there.

  • Throughout Lent each class is trying to raise money for CAFOD. As you know, we are already doing this through our Lentern boxes. However, on Wednesday next week Year 3 will be walking to Ashton Gardens to complete a special art activity, which we will leave for our community. This is our way in Year 3 to raise extra money for CAFOD. Please sponsor your child with a small donation (£1). We ask that you please send your child in with your donation on Wednesday. We also ask that you make sure you bring a waterproof coat on this day.