Next week is the the start of our Lenten promise to help raise money for CAFOD, where we will be holding a cake sale in school for other year groups. On Monday Bamber and Harcourt will be selling their cakes to KS1 during their playtime and on Tuesday Marsden and Plessington will be selling their cakes to KS2 during playtime. All cakes will be sold for 50p.
Please could I remind you of our desire and need to be as nut free as possible, due to allergies. Therefore, it is crucial that we DO NOT use nuts or any trace of nuts in our ingredients. Thank you for your support.
Please could all tupperware’s be clearly labelled to ensure that they all come back to you and any donations of napkins would be greatly appreciated.
If Year 6 would like to purchase a cake themselves, they will be able to do so, on the Tuesday, with the rest of Key Stage 2.
Thank you all so much for your kindness, support and help, to enable us to raise money for such a worthy cause!
It has been so lovely to talk and catch up with many of you last Wednesday. There is no greater joy than sharing your child’s achievements and progress, alongside targets and areas of development. This run up to May is always a crucial one, where we can really refine the skills we need and reinforce any necessary information. So many of you have asked how you can help your child at home and what you can do to give them confidence in the final few weeks. Staying calm and not putting unnecessary pressure on children will ensure that they remain confident and continue to have that ‘I can’ attitude; early nights will be crucial over the next few weeks as they will be tired from all of their hard work and of course keep talking to them about their success but also areas to improve, helping them to set a plan of what they can do to reach their targets. One HUGE way to support your child, is homework. This week, at least 1/3 of the class did not complete all of their homework. Every week, I spend time organising and planning for the areas that Year 6 need the most, complimenting what we are doing in class. Having a parent work alongside them to do this homework WILL help them. Reading is the other area, reading alongside your child every night- modelling fluency and pace, modelling reading punctuation and asking them questions about what they have read will also have a great impact.
What have we been learning this week?
English - This week we have looked in to the fight scene of Mercuito and Tybalt, as well as continuing to revise the spelling rules for when nouns change from singular to plural and the possessive apostrophe.
Maths - Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing has been our focus, then applying this to some tricky word problems.
Computing - We have continued with our quizzing topic, Year 6 have designed their own quizzes on adaptations for one another. As well as designing their own cake sale posters ready for next week.
PE- This week we have been refining our group and partnered balances on apparatus, as well as evaluating how we can ensure our sequence flows, by moving in and out of our balances smoothly and with control. In PE Year 6 have loved applying all of their tactics to a game of hockey and basketball.
Thank you to everyone who came to our Water Parks meeting on Thursday. There was definitely a sense of excitement in the air! If you did not manage to attend then here is the powerpoint to look over or even if you want to have another look. Please also find the kit list. I will put this back up though nearer the time.
Leading Learners
Well done to Olivia and Kiefer this week.
Olivia you are such a pleasure to teach, we love how well you listen and how you get lost in each task, it is almost as if you go in to your own world when you work- you manage distractions and are full immersed in what you are working on. This is reflected in your work, as every piece always shows us what pride you take in it.
Kiefer we are so impressed with your focus on your learning, you really couldn’t work any harder. You listen intently to every part of every lesson, which shows in the progress you have made. We love the way you are always curious to find the solution to problems with such steely determination and you ask such focused questions that show just how inquisitive you are.
Grateful and Generous butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Jack for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.
Cake Sale next week
Parents’ Evening - Don’t forget when your appointments are.
Date for diaries- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly- Thursday 6th April
Wednesday 5th April- Lenten boxes to be returned.
Have a lovely weekend.
I will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster