Year 5 Weekly Blog 17.03.23 'To be the best, you must be able handle the worst’

A fairly quiet week in Year 5 this week, which is good because we have a very hectic last few weeks of the half term. It has been a very busy week for our English and Maths lessons as we have begun to plan our sci-fi story, based on E.T. We have also watched segments of the film so that the children can draw on this to really bring their stories to life next week. In Maths, we have carried on with multiplication but have moved onto to 2 digit x 2 digit and with lots of fluency this week, the children have started to really understand the method. The children also finished their angles topic with Mrs Hotchkiss and have started on negative numbers.

In RE, we have started learning about the Stations of the Cross, in preparation for our Easter assembly ‘The Crucifixion’. Just after one lesson of learning these, the children have been able to order the stations correctly and also retrieve the majority of these completly from scratch, which has been very impressive.

In Science, we have used our knowledge of the solar system to delve deeply into how planets move and how we experience day and night. The children will then write up their knowledge via an explanatory text.

Let’s Celebrate

Molly-Ann and Stanley for being resilient and creative learners: You have both had a super week. You have been so resilient with your maths work and have really worked on your times tables, which is allowing you to progress through our topic. As the work has been getting harder, you have not given up and also worked well alongside your classmates. You have also shone brighlty in our writing lessons, where you have run away with your imagination and produced some excellent pieces of writing.

Millie for being a co-operative and focused learner: Yet again Millie, you are constantly showing how good of a team player you are and why you are such a valued member of our class. No matter the learning environment, whether it is partner work in class or group work in PE, you always work with others to the best of your ability. Combined with your focus and concentration, this allows you to achieve the most of out each and every lesson


CAFOD Fundraiser: As a class, we are doing a street clean on the Inner Promenade on Friday 24th March. The children have been given their sponsor forms in order to raise money for this event. Please fill out the information on the sheet and any money that is brought into school, has to be brought in with the form.

Egg Decorating Competition: This will be a whole school competition in order to raise money for charity. Children will have to boil an egg and decorate it in any way they would like. It will cost £1 to enter the competition with a prize up for grabs. The deadline for this is…

Trip to Liverpool: Is taking place on Thursday 30th March. If you haven’t already paid for this trip and completed the permission slip then please do so. Information regarding the trip is available on the trip blog on the Year 5 page. This week, information will go out about the children’s lunch choices for the trip.

Year 5 Easter Assembly: Will take place on Wednesday 5th April. All parents are welcome to come and the assembly will start at 9:15am.