A bumper week at nursery!

What a week! We have been soooooo busy, we are exhausted!

We started the week by discussing the cross on which Jesus died. Everyone was very sad, but, we also talked about the Easter story having a happy ending. As Christians we believe that Jesus died on the cross and came back to life again to show how much God loves us.We talked about how Jesus came into the world to save us—to be our saviour—but He is just like us. Jesus had friends and family, cared about people, and helped those in need.

Next week we will be reading the Easter Story in small sections in preparation for Holy Week in school.

We have all made our own Easter cross this week and will be bringing them home in readiness for you celebrating Easter at home. Take a look they are beautiful.

We have also been making prayer rocks, some have already been sent home along with a little poem about how to use them. It was so lovely when the children told us that they had a chat or said a prayer using their prayer rock. Don’t worry if you haven’t got yours yet they will be coming home this week, fingers crossed.

World Book Day was great fun!!! We loved dressing up and staying in character all day. We read lots of stories including ‘Journey’ our whole school book study. We have now finished our display depicting the book. Take a look….

We have also written our own ‘Journey’ story and made a display.

Everyone has great fun on World Book Day, we read lots of stories! Such fabulous fancy dress costumes too, well done I know how stressful dress up days can be. Take a look at some of the photos.

Where’s Wally?

We had a fun game of Where’s Wally? The children had to guess where he was…can you?

Click on the button below to to read Happy Little People top tips talking.

As if we haven’t done enough this week look at everything else we have been up to!

Phew, I think everyone has earned a good rest this weekend!! Enjoy!

God Bless
