This week...

Spring has definitely arrived in the nursery garden. The daffodils are in full bloom and this week we have seen the arrival of hyacinths and our hydrangea’s are budding. On Wednesday we planted some grass. First, we made a cosy bed for the seeds to live in, then we sprinkled the grass seeds… “there are hundreds” the children said. Next we gave the seeds a drink of water, we have to remember to do this every day! They children are very good at reminding me!

Everyone is now watching carefully for the seeds to geminate. I fear it may take a while!

Michelle’s blog

This week has been a very active week. We have had so much fun in our PE lessons in the hall. We have been practising our jumping and landing. Take a look at the photos to see the progress w have made. We have PE every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We have got so good at putting our shoes and socks back on. Developing independence in dressing will help us when we start in Reception, so any practice we can get now is crucial in developing the skills needed for independent dressing.

Our number work continues as we have used our brains and solved tricky number problems, growing our brains as we added numbers together.

Our new sounds this week include x, z, qu, and ch. The children all thought we had a fit of sneezing when we made the ‘ch’ sound!

Although the weather has not been the best this week, we have still manged to get lots of outside play. We made a bus and a train and made sure everyone had tickets for their journey.

Thank you to everyone who managed to make it to parent’s evening this week, it was a pleasure to see you all. As always, I am always available to discuss and issues or concerns. Please feel free to email any photos you have as the children love sharing these on the interactive white board.

Have a lovely weekend.

Steph’s blog

I’ve missed you being off for two days this week – I’m glad to be back with you all!

We have been busy this week decorating Easter crosses for an Easter card to bring home. They look great. The children are really good at remembering the Easter story – ask them at home and see if they can tell you!

We have also loved playing with the Numberblock cubes – the children have been amazing finding different ways to make the numbers and using the correct colours for the different numbers. They are noticing so many connections between the numbers and have worked really hard. I love seeing their happy, proud faces when they have achieved something. Here is a Numberblocks game you can try at home – see how many numbers your child can tell you! Click here.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone.

You will not be surprised to hear that although this week has been extremely busy, for us Nursery Ladies it has been very rewarding. Sometimes we just stop and look at your wonderful children and we appreciate how much they have achieved since the year began. They are amazing!

On a personal note I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your continued support and very kind words during this last week. I am leaving Our Lady’s Star of the Sea with a heavy heart but I have many years of such wonderful memories and happy times.

I know that the other Nursery Ladies will continue to love and nurture your precious children and help them on their journey towards their next chapter. As for me, it is time for my next adventure.

Thank you all so much.

God Bless.


…and a few extras from Justine!

This weeks sounds

Geraldine Giraffe ‘z’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘ch’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘qu’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘x’ Click here

Geraldine Giraffe ‘ng’ Click here.

Geraldine Giraffe ‘nk’ Click here

The children are amazed at how many sound they know!!!! We are spotting them everywhere! The children have even noticed them hiding in their name.


DESCRIPTION Meet the Alphablocks, get to know the alphabet and letter sounds and sing along to the Alphablocks song.

HOW TO PLAY It couldn’t be simpler: tap to bring each Alphablock to life and hear them sing their letter sound and a line from the Alphablocks song. Every Alphablock is designed to help the children remember the letter sounds, so A says a! when an apple falls on her head, and so on.

LETTER SOUNDS AND NAMES Listen to the Alphablocks singing their letter sounds, then change to Letter Name mode and have fun learning all the letter names too.

Click here and enjoy! We loved playing this game at nursery this week!

Easter Maths Challenge!

We played this tricky game at nursery this week using our special decorative eggs. Try and have ago at home (please don’t use real eggs!).

As you are aware today was Colette’s last day at nursery. I am chatted quite openly to all the children explaining that it is our turn to share Colette. It’s only fair because we have had here with us for a long time. We have had a lovely special week with Colette, spoiling here with lots of treats and hugs. She has promised to keep in touch, the children want a picture of her new uniform!

A big thank you goes to Colette with lots of love. She has been a key member of our nursery community for over ten years and we will miss her enormously. Good luck in your new venture, I know you are excited to take on this new challenge.

I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend but nonetheless enjoy the time being together. I will see you all bright and breezy on Monday. I have great things planned!!!!

God Bless
