Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.03.23 ' Lent is about becoming, doing and changing'

As our Lenten journey continues, we have continued to contribute to to our Lent goals. On Thursday, we braved the tricky weather conditions and took a trip to church for mass, as we prepared ourselves for Easter. We went along side Year 1 and Year 2 and the children yet again showed us teachers how responsible they can be by helping our younger children walk down and sit alongside them throughout mass.

The following day saw us carry out our CAFOD fundraiser, where we decided to give something back to the community by completing a street clean along the Inner Prom. We could of not picked a better day for this as the weather was gorgoeous out on the sea front. It was great for the whole class to contribute to this activity, in which our eco-councilors used their experience to help guide the rest of the children.

We have also begun our Easter assembly preparations, with all roles being handed out and we have carried out our first script read and stage set up. Rehearsing our lines and knowing when to come in will take focus for homework for the remainder of the half term, in which some children have already begun learning their lines.

In Maths, we are coming to the end of our multiplication and division unit by finishing off mastering 3 digit x 2 digit numbers. This has been our biggest unit so far this year and the children's have worked incredibly hard.

In English, we begun writing our sci-fi stories and the children have been fully engaged in putting their plans into action and running away with their stories.

In PE, we have continued with our OAA teambuilding activities, with the children being poised with a challenge and are having to work in teams to solve problems.

Lunch choices for the trip to Liverpool

Please fill in the form below ASAP to allow our kitchen staff enough time to organise the lunches for the trip.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Max for being a creative learner: Max, your work has really come to life throughout our story writing in English. You have been so keen to share your work and have really been focused on writing the most creative story. I can’t wait to read yours when you have finished!

  • Iris for being a determined learner: As your journey continues as an independent learner, you have attempted and tackled each challenge you face. Whether it is responding to feedback in writing or solving a tricky maths problem, you always have a go and give your best, which has allowed you to progress all the way throughout Year 5.As your journey continues as an independent learner, you have attempted and tackled each challenge you face. Whether it is responding to feedback in writing or solving a tricky maths problem, you always have a go and give your best, which has allowed you to progress all the way throughout Year 5.


  • Year 5 trip to Liverpool- Will take place on Thursday 30th April. For anyone that hasn’t yet filled in the permission slip and payed for the trip, this needs to be done ASAP.

  • Easter Assembly- The Crucifixion Assembly will take place on Wednesday 5th April.

  • Egg Decorating Competition- Will take place on Wednesday 5th April.

  • Finish for half term- School will close at 2pm on Thursday 6th April.