This week....

Another busy week.

The children were looking a bit tired by Tuesday this week! In addition to their key person learning they have planted a meadow in the big tractor tyres and flower beds. One of the plants was called a fried egg plant, we all thought that was funny. We are hoping for fired eggs to grow now!

Read Write Inc.

We have now introduced all the the sounds in Set 1. We are soooo proud. We are noticing and hearing sounds EVERYWHERE! After the Easter holidays we will be ractisng writing them all, we love a challenge.

Don’t forget to say the rhyme that goes with each sound. Click on the button below to find out what to say!

Barbara’s blog

All things gingerbread this week. We kicked of the week by going on a Gingerbread Man number hunt in the garden. We had to listen to the clues and they would tell us where to find th numbers. Some gingerbread men were on the roof, in the bush and sand…even in Receptions’s garden, cheeky!

We then came into nursery and made a number line to 20!!!!! Woweeeee!

We all then made, guess what…gingerbread men. Yummy! Jacquie in the kitchen cooked them for us and then we ate them all up! Mmmmm they tasted so good, we thought it would be a good idea to make some more later in the week.

Storytime was, yes you’ve guessed ‘The Gingerbread Man’. Later in the week we decorated a picture of gingerbread men. We had to decide how many buttons and if he was angry, sad, funny or scared. I will be sending home some Gingerbread Men themed activities if you fancy having a go!

We have been trying really hard this week to use ‘duck fingers when we draw and write. We started be playing “duck talk” finger play with the thumb and pointing finger. We then put the pencil in the duck's mouth. Quaaaack, have a go at home.

Here’s a quick video to explain the tripod grip. Click here.

Click here to watch a video all about the Gingerbread Man.

Haven’t we had a busy week at nursery! Make sure you have a good rest this weekend!

God Bless


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another really busy week, growing our brains. We have been looking at all things related to transport. We started the week talking about how we get to nursery and we discovered that 9 of us travel by car and 7 of us walk. 3 travel by taxi and 1 by bus. We then made our own bus and train in the garden, with our own tickets to our favourite destinations. We went to the zoo and the beach!

We had lots of messy fun as we painted and made tracks using lots of different sorts of vehicles. We have also had races using reels and balls down the drain pipes.

We have had lots of interesting things in for Show and Tell, remember the item has to fit in your child’s drawer. Some children shared some photos on the big screen of the things they had got up to at home. If you would like to do this, then just email them either to nursery or your child’s key-person. The children really enjoy sharing their special moments with their friends.

We have also had a very musical week, singing and playing the musical instruments. We had a challenge of making some more shakers so we asked the lovely ladies in the kitchen for some rice and pasta so we could make our new shakers. They work brilliantly!

You wouldn’t believe how well we are getting at putting on our own coats and doing up the zips. I can tell the children have been practising at home.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What a colourful week we have had. We have enjoyed painting rainbows – I gave the children red, blue, yellow and white and they had to work out how to make all 7 colours of the rainbow. What a challenge! We had great fun mixing the colours to make new ones. I’m going to put the pictures up in the classroom – the children were all proud of what they had painted.

We also made wands out of different coloured ribbons and sticks. We practised our fine motor skills to attach them on with Sellotape – this was a bit tricky! Luckily it was windy outside so we could run and dance with them in the garden.

We enjoyed working out different ways to go down the bridge outside – I heard lots of giggles and saw lots of lovely smiles! We are so proud of ourselves when we achieve something, especially our jumping and hopping in P.E. We also enjoyed dressing up outside in different outfits – have a look at our happy faces!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


and a few from Justine…

To complete our wonderful week we were invited to join the whole school on their journey through Holy Week. On Friday we watched when Jesus rode in to Jerusalem and everyone wave palm leave and shouted Hosanna!

Next week we will continue our journey of reflection with The Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, The Crucifixion and finally on Thursday The Resurrection.

Don’t forget!

Next week we will be collecting in all the children’s Lenten boxes and Sponsored walk money. We will add it to the school collection for a hopeful bumper amount for Cafod.

If you are entering the decoarting and Easter egg competetion that too will be next week, all entries to be in on Monday, £1 per entry

Lastly, nursery will close for Easter on Thursday at 2.00 pm for a well deserved chocolatey rest. Mmmmmmmm!!

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

God Bless
