Year 3 homework to be handed in Thursday 6.4.23

Easter assembly parts

After our rehearsals this week we are all much clearer on our parts, actions and positions. Please practise along with those all important words!


Can you choose 5 unit fractions from below and order them using greater and less than symbols? Can you draw a representation of any of the fractions using the same shape? Remember, rectangles are the easiest to show equal parts. On the right is an example we did in class.

Making the sign of the cross

Please practise correctly making the sign of the cross. We have noticed that quite a few of us are not making the sign of the cross correctly.

Optional Spellings

As we have been focusing on our Easter Assembly this week, we have not had the time to learn any new spellings. If you would really like to practise some spellings, can you write the fractions above in words? e.g. one-quarter is greater than one-sixth.