Year 5 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 5th April

Rehearsing assembly scripts- PRIORITY

Due to our visit of OFSTED this week, this meant that we lost 2 valuable assembly practice slots in the hall. Therefore, the main focus for homework this week is to practice our lines for the assembly. All children have been given a full copy of the entire script.

Egg Decorating Competition- Deadline Wednesday 5th April

A whole school competition to decorate a boiled egg in whatever fashion of your choosing. It will cost £1 to enter the competition, with the funds going to charity. There will be prizes for the best egg.


Our focus this week were words ending in -cial or -tial but they sound like shul. All of these words are words containing this pattern.

  1. official

  2. special

  3. social

  4. artificial

  5. financial

  6. essential

  7. partial

  8. confidential

  9. initial

  10. beneficial

  11. potential

  12. sequential

    Mrs Mather’s group