Year 5 Weekly Blog 31.03.23 ' It is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind' Neil Armstrong

Oh what a week it has been. As we prepared for a normal working week on Monday, we got the famous phone call from Oftsted. Therefore, our timetable changed over the course of the next two days (thank you everyone for being so flexible) and we lost a couple of chances to practice for our assembly. I just wanted to say that the children were brilliant across the two days and were real ambassadors for our school. What made it even more special was that their behaviour and actions were no different to any other day, which just shows how great of a class they are!

We then got to finish our week with our trip to Liverpool! A trip that the children have been looking forward to for weeks. Even after delays on the motorway and a power cut at the museum, the children remained in high spirits and we still got to carry out our workshop at the museum. The children got to experience what it would be like as an astronaut and sat back in the planetarium and experienced the events of Apollo 11.

The second half of our day took place at Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral. Both the adults and children were in awe of this amazing place of worship and the children were fascinated by all of the chapels, tapestries and monuments all around the Cathedral. We received some lovely comments from the volunteers and workers in the Cathedral about the children’s behaviour, inquisitiveness and attitude throughout our tour.

We then spent the rest of the week focusing on our Easter assembly, which takes place on Wednesday 5th April at 9:15am. Regardless of the time lost this week, the children have battled through adversity and have been making excellent progress.

Let’s Celebrate

Jay for being a determined learner: For making lots of progress in your focus in lessons and following the teacher. This has given you inspiration that you can achieve what is set out and has made you a more resilient learner.

Annica for being a determined learner: For always giving it a go, regardless of the subject or the difficulty. You also battled through your own adversities on our trip to Liverpool which shows how resilient you are.

Grateful and Gracious butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes towards the whole class for being grateful, due to the lovely comments received from the members of the Liverpool Cathedral about how pleasant the children were during the tour.


  • Crucifixion assembly: Will take place on Wednesday 5th April at 9:15am.

  • Egg Decorating Competition: Will be brought in on Wednesday 5th April.

  • CAFOD Fundraiser: A reminder for children to bring in their CAFOD sponsor form and any money collected in on Monday. The money needs to be handed in alongside the form.

  • Break up for half term: School will close at 2pm on Thursday 6th April and will reopen on 17th April.