Dear parents and children,
For the past 15 years we have sustained a school gardening club at the local Shepherd Rd Allotments - something we did every Monday after school. Sadly, not all children got to take part and the community didn’t always see the fruits of our labour. Last year our current Year 6 children proposed the idea of building a school allotment in the grounds next to our Polytunnel. Miss Hornby, thought this was a wonderful idea she put money from the school budget to one side project - what a wonderful legacy. Over the winter Mr Hotchkiss has kindly built the beds and Mrs Mather and Mrs Hotchkiss organised the shed and polytunnel - ready for Spring. This week we all got planting! We have sowed and planted:
Year 6 strawberries
French Beans- Year 5
Corn and beetroots - Year 3
Onions and radishes - Year 4
Courgettes and sunflowers - Year 2
Nasturtiums - Year 1
Broad Beans - Reception
We will keep you updated as our garden grows