This week......

What a week…so hectic! So little time and so much to learn and find out about!

Barbara’s blog!

Another fabulous week of learning.

We started the week with a visit from Dee the Dentist. We all learnt how to brush our teeth and which foods our teeth like and which foods they don’t like. We then thought it would be a good idea to make a dentist’s surgery. What great fun.

In our quest to explore flowers, trees and plants I brought in three stages of a dandelion. We watch two slow release videos

  1. How the dandelions grow, decay and seed. Click here to watch

  2. How the seeds disperse Click here or here One of the children said that they look like parachutes. Good thinking.

We then went to the school playing field to search for dandelions in three stages. When we got back to nursery we blew all the dandelion seeds. There were hundreds…sorry if they end up in your garden.

On Tuesday we investigated Cherry blossom. I picked some from my garden. The petals were so lovely and they floated everywhere. We use the magnifying glasses to look closely.

We have also planted some carrot tops and peas in jars….phew we have been busy.

We read Scarlette Beane this week, it is such a lovely story, click here to watch and listen.

The weather was so lovely on Thursday we got the bubble making equipment out in the garden as well as the shaving foam. Great fun…we made some huge BUBBLES!

Please remember to check out Purple Mash I have put lots of activities for the Kings Coronation for you to do! Enjoy!

Next week we will be doing all things ‘Coronation’ so watch this space. We may even write to the King and Queen.

Have a great weekend everyone


Michelle’s blog

We have had a lovely week and thankfully the weather has been very kind to us., with lots of glorious sunshine. This has meant we have been able to do lots of planting and investigating in the garden and we even had a picnic outside too. We have been exploring the  parts of a plant and investigating the life cycles of plants, learning some new words like germinate and pollinate. Here is a quiz about the different parts of a plant for you to try at home. Click here.

We are getting really good at recognising our names, the name tags on our bags really help. It would be fantastic if all children had a school book bag. It will make the transition to reception so much easier. We have also had lots of practice at writing our names and we are recognising the letter sounds in our names, not just the initial sounds.

Hope you all have a good weekend and we will see you next week.


 Steph’s blog

What a great week! We have carried on learning about rainbows and started the week conducting the rainbow skittles experiment! We worked together to arrange the skittles in order of the colours of the rainbow on a plate and watched to see what would happen when we added warm water. It was so colourful! Here is a link if you would like to try it at home. Click here.

We also experimented with prisms - we tried with torches inside which proved a bit tricky so we waited for some sunshine and tried it outside. We held the prisms in front of the sun and we’re amazed to see the colours of the rainbow on our legs, arms and on the white material on the floor! We enjoyed watching this that helped us to understand what happened, and explain how rainbows are formed: Click here.

We have continued to learn about growing this week, focusing on dandelions. We made trips to the school field to look for dandelions in all the different stages - we particularly enjoyed blowing the white seeds around! We can’t wait to see how all our sunflower seeds have grown at home!

We were also lucky enough to have a go on the climbing equipment in the big playground this week. The children loved it and said it was just like going to the park! I’m sure we’ll spend lots more time there now the weather is getting nicer. 

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week for lots of Coronation fun!


…and a few from Justine as always.

A note from Dee the Dentist

Dee recommended Brush DJ timer to help time how long the children should be brushing their teeth.

What is Brush DJ?

Brush DJ is an award-winning, free toothbrush timer app that plays 2 minutes of music taken from the user’s device to encourage brushing for an effective length of time. The app also allows users to set reminders to brush twice a day, floss, use a mouthrinse and when next to see their dentist, hygienist, therapist or orthodontist. Evidence-based age specific information is given as per the Public Health England toolkit ‘Delivering Better Oral Health’.

Click here to access and download the app

Don’t forget nursery is closed for Bank Holiday on Monday, but we will see everyone on Tuesday. Have the most splendid weekend and take care.

God Bless
