Year 5 Weekly Blog 06.04.23 'Father, into my hands I commend my spirit' Jesus

We have arrived at our Easter holidays as we commend a very special week. We have started each morning in worship as each year group demonstrates a part of the Easter story chronologically. The WHOLE school community, including children, parents, teachers. governors and more were absolutely blown away by our performance of the crucifixion. I could not be prouder of everyone in our wonderful class as they all came together to perform such a wonderful worship. You all put in so much time at home rehearsing your lines and so much effort during our practices in showing your expression and meaning. The children have definitely shown qualities to show that they are ready for Year 6.

Let’s Celebrate

Emilia for being an enthusiastic learner: Emilia, you were highlighted many times throughout our practice sessions for speaking so clearly and meaningful throughout our worship assembly and you demonstrated this beautifully on the actual day. You really brought the powerfulness of the crucifixion with us in the hall.

Charlie for being a resilient learner: To carry out the role of Jesus, in the crucifixion, is a huge honour and yet such a difficult task. The many lines you rehearsed, whilst carrying such expression, were executed brilliantly due to your hard work and commitment to the role. To carry the cross for that long and to also bear it during the ending shows you are a resilient learner.

Leon for being a focused learner: The roles we had in the assembly were contrasting in comparsion of both drama and lines. Your role Leon had a more drama element to it, in which you executed perfectly. This could of led to complaceany or lack of focus because you had understood the importance of your role early on but you remained focus throughout all of our practices and during our performance.


School re-opening: School will reopen on Monday 17th April