Year 5 Weekly Blog 19.05.23 'A picture paints a thousand words’

It has been weird to complete a normal working week at school, with all the bank holidays we’ve head, but we are here again at the end of another productive week with lots of learning. After two weeks without having one, our usual Monday routine continued with the exciting afternoon of Music and French. The children have continued to practice some previously learnt songs with the clarinets such as Blossom Blues and Eye of the Tiger, whilst also learning new songs simultaneously, this week it being the theme song to Jaws. We also started our new French topic of ‘French around the world’, with us focusing on directions, which led us to creating some French compasses to work our way around a treasure hunt.

In Maths, we have focused on both equivalent and simplifying fractions and how we can apply our times table knowledge to efficiently solve these calculations. The children’s attitude towards their maths work has been amazing to see as they are very keen to throw themselves into all sorts of problems and puzzles.

In English, we have continued with our topic of newspaper journalism and have been creating our first draft of our reports, based on our class novel of the Windrush Child. The children have been excited to put their own spin on their articles by choosing which newspaper to work for, creating catchy and interesting headlines and designing the layout of their newspaper.

We have continued to experiment with light in Science, to answer lots of key questions about how light travels. This week, we looked at if light could bend when travelling through the air. We then experimented to see how light would travel through liquids and we discovered how refraction works.

In Geography, we have started our new topic of North America in which the children’s retrieval skills and effort with their homework has allowed us to fly through the learning of this topic. We recapped the continents of the world and looked into the countries that make up North America. Ask your child at the weekend of how many can they remember.

On Thursday, we spent the morning at mass to celebrate Ascension Day. This was to celebrate when Jesus ascended up to heaven and left his spirit behind. This was also covered in our RE lessons, as we looked at examples of key figures within the church who lived with the spirit of Jesus within them and compared their actions to the Son of Christ. We finished the week with an art filled Friday morning, with the upper juniors having the opportunity to take part in a special art workshop, focusing on painting.

Let’s Celebrate

Dominic for being a co-operative learner: For always being a kind and considerate classmate towards every pupil. Your ability to be able to work alongside anyone, comes from your loving nature. This is also apparent in the playground, as you can play without any disruption and are attentive towards others.

‘In a world where you can be anything, be kind’

Emilia for being a reflective learner: Emilia, your focus and drive to be discerning has allowed to you add high quality to your learning. You are keen to show your teachers through your writing of what you are capable of and this is only possible if you are a reflective learner. You always listen to and take the advice of the members of staff, whether that is in or out of the classroom.

An excellent learning quality to have!

Iris for being discerning: Iris, you are always listening to instructions and are the first one to carry out a task whenever it is set. You go the extra mile by always offering to help your fellow pupils and also members of staff. You are such a delight to have in our learning environment.

Franek- To keep up with our theme of being the eco-class of the school, one of our members of the eco-council has chosen to donate one of his plants at home, which has been placed in our environmental garden. What a generous and thoughtful action Franek.


  • Preparing for the weather: With temperatures starting to increase, children are allowed to bring in a sunhat, which can be worn at break times and any suncream that is brought in must be applied by the child themselves. We also ask that no sunglasses are to be brought into the school. Thank you.

  • Healthy snacks: A reminder for children to bring in healthy snack for break times e.g. fruit or vegetables and for no nuts to be brought into school.