Year 3 weekly blog - "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new." Albert Einstein

The children have returned to the classroom with sunny smiles this week; it’s been lovely hearing all about their half-term adventures. We’ve jumped straight into our new learning this week and despite the toasty classroom, the children have worked their socks off.

We have continued our class novel, the Iron Man and have been creating such wonderful sentences which include expanded noun phrases. We really enjoyed including these in our writing, especially when describing something as they really help the reader build a picture in their heads. Ted Hughes does this brilliantly throughout the novel and so we are really enjoying exploring this in our own writing! We have also had great discussions about the emotions and thoughts of the Iron Man. The children demonstrated great confidence when sharing their ideas, by giving reasons and using the text to back up their points. Well done Year 3!

There has been great excitement as we started to explore magnets in Science. After the children had shared what they already knew, we then went onto explore different magnets, comparing what was the same and what was different. Following these discussions, we decided that we wanted to find out which magnet was the strongest, and so set up our own investigation. The results were surprising, as many of us predicted that the strongest magnet would be the largest… and that was not necessarily the case!

In Maths the children have been refreshing their learning of time and have even been using roman numerals. The children enjoyed using the interactive clock to challenge themselves. You can access this sat home by clicking on the clock opposite. We have also continued to develop our confidence when subtracting, thinking mathematically to solve tricky word problems and giving our reasoning. Great work!

In Geography the children have been learning about their local area. They used OS maps and google maps to locate areas of interest in St Annes. The children loved using the map tools and giving directions to their partner from A-B. I’m sure they’d love to show you where Our Lady’s is on google maps. Please keep the physical/human photos coming, they’re brilliant! You can send them to


Daisy For being a brave learner and throwing yourself into new challenges. Daisy you have been eager to have a go at everything this week and your determination has been wonderful. You have sung your heart out to tricky rhythms in music and have challenged yourself to tell the time using roman numerals. Well done Daisy!

Joseph, what a focused and ambitious learner you have been this week! You’ve been an active learner all week long and have contributed to class discussions with enthusiasm and attentiveness. You’ve focused so hard, you’ve even asked for extra challenges in maths! We are so proud of how hard you have worked and the effort you have put into growing your brain!


  • Wednesday 21st June Gym Jam Jog Children to arrive at school at 8am wearing their pyjamas. The children will jog around the field as many times as possible, followed by toast in the hall. All sponsor money goes to building and extending our outside castle for the children.

  • On Friday 23rd June, the children will be visiting Hope Street Park to plant bulbs with the local rangers. How lovely! Children should come to school in their normal uniform, with suitable shoes for planting. We would be grateful of some extra adult support. If parents, grandparents or carers are able to lend a hand, please can you email Mrs Marshall We will be leaving school at 9.45 and will be back to school around 11.15. Thank you in advance!

  • Monday 26th June: Year 3 and 4 Sports Day 1:30pm

  • Uniform - Please check your child’s uniform is named and kindly return any uniform with another child’s name.

  • Children must bring water, a hat and sun-cream (to re-apply), with them everyday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett and Mrs Marshall