Year 5 Weekly Blog 16.06.23 ' There is no such thing as impossible, only inprobable. The thing that limits us are the limits to our imagination'- Cressida Cowell

After a scorching two week break, we had no idea how the children were going to settle back in but they have been fantastic! As soon as they arrived back on Monday morning, they were straight back into the school routine and were eager to get on with the learning.

On Monday, we stepped up our preparation for our end of year music concert as we focused on practicing our chosen songs. The children are becoming really fluent with both the singing and playing side of the songs. The children have begun their next DT topic of food technology- don’t worry, the cooking won’t start for another couple of weeks. The children will be taste testing different foods over the next few weeks so if anyone has any issues regarding this then please email myself or Mrs Mather.

On Wednesday, We began our final RE topic of learning about other faiths around the world and focusing on the ‘Big 5’. This will also tie into our new History topic of Islamic Civilization. We also began our preparation for sports day in the form of athletics in PE. The children gave it their all in what was some very tricky running conditions- luckily we stayed hydrated and had lots of breaks in between.

Thursday saw us take our first trip of the summer and it was to the Winter Gardens for a special reading celebration. We were lucky enough to attend Cressida Cowell’s 20th anniversary of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’. The author and illustrator of the famous series shared her upbringing and journey towards becoming a world renowned writer and gave us some advice and inspiration of how to become a writer. The children all received a signed copy of ‘How to Train Your Dragon’- a limited edition including an unreleased additional story.

Let’s Celebrate

Nicola for being an enthusiastic and focused learner: Nicola, even at this point of the year, you are still super focused throughout all of our lessons and are ready to learn. Your eyes are always fixed on me when I am teaching and your hand is always up ready to share your knowledge. You have really set an example of how to engage in the lessons. Brilliant work!

Max for being an enthusiastic and brave learner: Ever since your performance on Wednesday night, teacher after teacher have come up to me to tell me how impressed they were with you. It takes a lot of bravery to perform on stage in front of lots of people but you did this with such enthusiasm and passion. The audience was blown away of how ‘in the moment’ you were and that resembles your commitment to any activity you are given.

Virtue butterflies: This week it goes to Harvey for being intentional. The class is fully aware that we have been low on stationary supplies recently which has meant that children have had to share equipment- the main one being glue sticks. Over the half term, Harvey went out and bought a full set of glue sticks (with his own money!) so that everyone had one which was such as lovely and thoughtful gesture.


  • Extra Curricular Activities: The schedule for Summer 2 has been posted on the sports page of the website [engage-> sport] . This includes cricket club on Tuesdays after school (3:30-4:15) which you will have to sign up for and athletics which will take place on Wednesdays at lunchtime. These are to prepare for two upcoming competitions which are also on the timetable.

  • Gym Jam Jog: Is on Wednesday 21st June. Children are to come into school earlier in their pyjamas annd jog around the field. The children will then have lunch in the hall. This is a sponsored event and the money raised is going towards the school budget for building and extending the outside playground for the children so it would be great if everyone took part.

  • Sports Day: Will take place on Wednesday 28th June at 1:30pm.

  • Clarinet Concert: Will take place on Monday 10th July and parents are invited into school to watch and will start at 2:00.

  • LSA Open Evening: Lytham St Annes High School are hosting an open evening for Year 5 children on Thursday 22nd June. More information is available here.