Year 3 Homework - Tuesday 31st October


Your reading targets have been reset. Please read for 20 minutes each day at home. Your ZPD’s have been updated - don’t forget to check your cards.


We have been looking at pictures from books and talking about what we can see - Remember ‘I can see…’ ‘Tell me more’
Look at the picture in your homework book, what questio0ns do you have about the picture? Use the question hand to help you. Remember capital letters and question marks.


We have been looking at 100! Can you split 100 into 2 equal groups? 4 equal groups? 5 equal groups?
Fill in the bar diagrams in your homework book.
Can you count in 10s to 100? Can you count back?

TT Rock stars

Please log on to TT Rocks stars and practise your times tables - We’re looking forward to moving your guitars along our TT Rock Stars display!


Suffix ‘ion’
construction invention injection collection action hesitation location exaggeration concentration education

Your spelling quiz will be on Monday 6th November