This week.....

First of all can I say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to go on Purple Mash and complete the Coronation activities…well done!

I hope you enjoyed the Coronation as much as we did. The children have been singing the National Anthem and shouting God Save the King all week! They even were making special celebration cakes in the playdough.

This week we would like to say ‘hello’ and ‘welcome’ to Emma our new nursery lady. Please take two minutes to introduce yourself.

I have even more good news to share with you all. Our lovely Steph is expecting a baby in the Autumn Term. I’m sure you will congratulate her when you see her.

Barbara’s blog

Another short week this week, time appears to be racing ahead of us. Each morning this week we have spent playing and learning alongside Mrs Hartley, Mrs Summersall, Mrs Krol, Mrs Davis and all the Reception children. The children have had great fun on the field prctising their fundamental movement skills. Click here to find our more and how to help at home!

We even set up an outdoor classroom on the field!

We continue to practice our sounds and number skills. I must say we are getting rather good!

Here’s a number game to play at home! Click here.

Here’s a sky writing game Click here

Click here to sing along to Teach your Monster phonics songs

On Wednesday we did our flower colour changing experiment.


  1. To start you we trimmed down the stems of the flower so that they fit our cups cups

  2. We added water to each cup.

  3. Then put about 10-15 drops of food colouring in the water and stirred it around a bit.

  4. We put one white flower to each glass of coloured water.

  5. We checked the flowers every couple of hours and observe any changes.

What do you think happened?

Michelle’s blog

This week has been a bit of a different week as we have spent some time each morning with Reception on the field. We practised our throwing and also built very big obstacle courses.

It was lots of fun playing with reception and impressing the reception teacher with our super learning.

We continue to work really hard at writing our names, we have remembered to use our duck fingers, we can tell you have been practising at home.

We are so excited that our plants and flowers are growing in our garden. If you have any sunflowers that you have planted from the seeds we sent home, then send them in. We would love to see them and to measure how much they have grown. Here are some easy plants that you can grow at home. Click here

We have looked at the parts of a plant and we were very excited to find some roots growing in the sand pit.

Also in the garden, we discovered some baby spiders had hatched. We tried to count all the spiderlings and we thought there might be 500. We have been watching them in their web and wondered how big they might get. Why don’t you look for spiders and mini beasts in your garden, send us a photo or a video if you find any.

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

What a lovely week we have had! We have spent lots of time outside enjoying the field and the climbing apparatus on the big playground. We loved seeing how high we could climb – it was great fun!

We have spoken a lot this term about plants and flowers growing so we decided to measure ourselves! We enjoyed seeing who was the tallest, and we’ll keep checking back to see if we have grown like our plants!

We loved sitting on the stage outside and drawing with big pieces of paper. The lines in the wood meant we made different marks on the paper and we could also practise our ‘duck fingers’ to help us with our writing.

We worked on patterns this week. We carried on the theme of the coronation and had pictures of King Charles and Queen Camilla to put in order. The children were great at continuing the pattern of Charles, Camilla, Charles, Camilla. Some of us could even continue the pattern when a third picture of a crown was added. This was a bit tricky! Here is a game to try at home - Click here

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!



Loving God, loving others.

This week we learned that we are made to love others just like God love us. We talked about considering our wider communities. Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 with just the humble offering of a small boy, the children learnt that our loving actions can be used by God to do incredible things.

Click here to visit the parents online portal.

Even though we have only been here 4 days this week we have packed in lots of learning and fun!

This weekend may be a bit of an anti climax after last weekend so here are a few activities to keep tou busy!

Enjoy and we will see you on Monday!

God Bless
