The sun has got his hat on.....

A huge welcome back to the last half term of the year. It is hard to believe that we have been together for a whole year already.

Wow, what a glorious (and hot) week. Although the sun certainly has been shining we have found it too hot at times and decided to stay indoors. The children are very sensible and hunted out the shaded spots in the garden. Luckily we have a lovely canopy of trees!

Barbara and Emma’s blog

Hello and welcome back. I hope you all had a fabulous half term enjoying the sunshine.

 We have been busy this week working our brains and bodies. We have been practicing our sports’ day games, getting ready for next Monday. We have been throwing under and over arm, catching, jumping over mini hurdles and running. We saved the best until last, an obstacle course. We have definitely been working our bodies and have had lots of fun doing it!

 As it is a new term, we are starting to explore ‘mini beasts’ (as per the children's request). The children got their explorers backpacks on packed with all their investigating equipment inside. They had cameras, binoculars, notepads, pens and magnifying glasses. We went outside hunting for bugs under rocks, stones and plants and we found all sorts of mini beasts; slugs, woodlice, a green spider, and a family of snails! We talked about how many legs they had, where they lived, how many eyes and what they ate. We even learnt a new ‘wow’ word - arachnids! We found out that arachnids have eight legs and insects have six legs. The children loved being little bug investigators.


The children have enjoyed playing a ladybird game on the touch tv, counting spots and helping with their counting and number recognition. The link below is for the game should any of you wish to play it at home. Click here to play at home.

 We are really excited to welcome back some of our sunflowers. We were surprised to see how much they had grown! Well done everyone! The children have enjoyed digging large holes ready to plant their flowers.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I am looking forward to finding more bugs with our intrepid bug investigators next week.


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a wonderful half term break. We have started our final half term this year with a bang, we can’t believe we only have a few weeks left before the end of the year. This week we have carried on with learning about the sun, and how to keep safe in the sun.

Here is  a song about putting on suncream. Click here.

We then watched a story about the wind and the sun, and how they argued about who was stronger. We predicted who we thought would win the competition. Click here to watch

We have had lots of practice for Sport’s Day this week. We are so excited to take part on Monday afternoon.

This week has been so hot but we have found lots of ways to cool down, our favourite was the foot spa in the garden.

We have begun our new topic of minibeasts this week and we were very excited when one of our friends brought in their butterflies that have just hatched. We are looking forward to hatching our own butterflies.

Have a lovely weekend,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a lovely week in the sunshine! We have spent so much time playing with the water in the garden and keeping cool under the big trees at the end. We especially love using the syringes and shooting the water in the air to cool us all down.

We have enjoyed telling our friends and the nursery ladies what we got up to in the holidays. It was lovely to hear about all your adventures and we are so good now at waiting for our turn to speak as we go around the circle. We are definitely getting ready for Reception!

We have started our mini beast topic this week and started with a quiz. The children enjoyed seeing if they could guess the mini beast after one clue, but sometimes we needed two or all three clues! Here is the quiz if you like to have a go at home: Click here

We have been ordering numbers this week to complete our mini beast puzzles. If we get them in the right order then the mini beast picture will appear! We also tried this game ordering numbers on the caterpillar: . We chose sequencing and numbers 1-10. Let me know how you get on!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week!


…..and just a few from Justine!


Living in the wider world

Living in the Wider World helps the children to extend their understanding of the communities we discussed last term and about the responsibilities we all have to people, places and the planet now and increasingly as we get older.

The children will begin to explore the working world of jobs, focusing on their current strengths and aspirations. Money is also introduced, with both underpinned by the religious understanding that our true value comes from God.

Click here to visit the parent portal.

Sports’ Day

Don’t forget that Foundation Sports’ Day is on Monday afternoon (weather permitting). Everyone is welcome!

If it is not your child’s usual session please ensure they are in nursery no later than 1.00 pm (and if you could collect them promptly when it has finished that would be great). Children are to wear shorts, t shirts, suncream and trainers. We have the children's bespoke sports’ day t-shirts here at nursery, we will change them when they arrive.



Well done and a big thank you for nurturing the sunflower seeds we sent home last term. The children have planted them in the garden and have been watering them daily.

Lastly, have a wonderful weekend, let’s hope the sunshine continues. We will see you all on Monday.

God Bless
