The Hungry Caterpillars!

It’s been such an eventful week, everyone is exhausted. We kick started Health and Happiness fortnight with Sports’ Day quickly followed by the Gym Jam Jog on Wednesday. That was such an early and energetic start for the children they were tired by lunch time! Make sure you check out the school webpage for more pictures of these events.

A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who has already sent in their sponsor money. If you haven’t managed to do that yet don’t worry, next week will be fine. I think Mrs Nel wants to count up the grand total!

Our caterpillars have grown over the weekend, I think that they had double in size!! They truly are very ‘Hungry Caterpillars’ . By Thursday we noticed that the pupa are now inside their chrysalis! It’s a waiting game now!

Emma’s Blog

Hello, what a wonderful week we have had! The children were fantastic in their Sports’ Day.  They have worked so hard in their teams and have had so much fun doing it.

We have had some new friends in our classroom this week, we would like to welcome 5 young caterpillars and 6 snails. The children are doing a fantastic job looking after them and making sure they are safe. We are going to watch and learn how the caterpillars change though the different stages whilst transforming in to a butterfly. We have learnt what this process is called ‘metamorphosis’. Wow, what a great word.

The children have been drawing their versions of the life cycle as well as the home link activity that we have sent home this week. I hope you all had fun doing it. At this stage, the caterpillars are munching their food and growing bigger every day, it's so exciting to watch.

The children have been practising their numbers this week by creating a caterpillar using their fingertips dipped in paint and making dots to the number from random number cards. They looked brilliant!

The snails are really enjoying their 'hotel' at nursery.  The children have been exploring the snails by letting them move around their hands, which they have loved.  The children have given the snails names, such as George and Coco, and they have numbered them too!. The children and nursery ladies took the snails outside to have a race. We were all cheering (even if most of the snails did go the wrong way!) And they found it so funny and tried to help them along their way. Coco, number 3 was the winner as it made it to the finish line. The children love having the snails.

We continue to be busy. The children have been looking at ‘symmetry’ and what it means.  We drew a butterfly on the Touch TV and the children had to create marks and patterns on the wings. We had to remember to do the same pattern on each side to make it symmetrical.  We also drew a butterfly on the tuff tray and added objects to make a design in a symmetrical shape on both wings. The children have had so much fun doing this.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I can’t wait to see the change in our caterpillars when we are back next week.


Here is a link to a symmetrical game to play at home.

Michelle’s blog

What a brilliant week we have had.

Thank you if you were able to come to Sports Day on Monday, we all worked so hard at our Fundamental Movement Skills but those hurdles were so tricky!

We have continued with our Minibeast explorations and on Wednesday we went on a bug hunt to the Environmental Garden. The weather was so lovely that we had our snack alfresco.

On Thursday we had great fun as we did Yoga outside, based on the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We had to curl up like a tiny egg, crawl like a caterpillar, be still like a cocoon and then flutter like a butterfly.

We have also been practising our ‘duck fingers’  by using pencils to decorate butterflies. Symmetrically, of course, its our new favourite word!

Next week we hope to make rock bugs, so if you have any spare rocks or pebbles in your garden, then feel free to send them in.

Till next week, have a lovely weekend


Steph’s Blog

Hello everyone

What another glorious week in the sunshine! We have spent so much time in the garden – the children are good at seeking out the shade when needed! We love playing under the trees at the end of the garden. We also like cooling down with the water, we are so good now at pulling the water into the syringes! This will help the muscles in our hands develop to help our writing ready for Reception.

Another way we have been developing these muscles is practising with the scissors. We cut out pictures of mini beasts and worked hard to arrange them in size order. Some of us chose to start with the small one and some with big. We were so proud once we were finished.

We also enjoyed developing our gross (big) motor skills this week by moving like mini beasts. We had to crawl like a worm, fly like a bee and flap like a butterfly! Here they are if you’d like to have a go at home. Click here

We have been to the school field this week too – for a mini beast hunt, Gym Jam Jog and Sports’ Day! We have had so much fun! We love seeing the older children and our brothers and sisters, but especially being part of the whole school community, including YOU!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and as always a few extra from Justine!

I think you will agree it’s been a full on week! If you think you will have any time this weekend here are couple of activities for everyone! Don’t forget there’s Purple Mash too!

Click here to listen to the story ‘Mad about Minibeasts’

or, why not go on a butterfly spotting expedition! Click on the button below.

The weather looks a bit unpredictable this weekend but I hope in-between showers you will have some lovely family time. Don’t forget it’s Lytham Club Day on Saturday. I will keep a look out for you.

Keep safe and God Bless
