Year 3 weekly blog 23.6.23 - "If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours."

It’s been a wonderful week in school, the final term is jam packed, but so much fun! On Wednesday we had our annual Gym Jam Jog event, which made for such a joyful start to the day! Thank you for all who were able to come along and watch or even join in.

In English we have discovered more about the characters. We worked in small teams taking part in a task called ‘rainbow writing’. This was great fun, if not a little challenging! We were super impressed with how the children worked together, used the text to find information and also to make sure that they didn’t write idea that had already been written by another group.

In Science we continued our learning about magnets and how they work. We finished our write up of our investigation and are now ready to learn about the terms, ‘repel’ and ‘attract’. In computing we have been discussing online safety, making sure that we are able to keep ourselves safe when sending emails. The children took part in a quiz to see what they could remember and were all super confident at answering these!

In Maths, we have continued learning about time and have been telling the time using minutes. We've moved on to writing the time digitally. Any extra practise using the interactive clock would be wonderful!

The children took part in a mini-first aid course this week. We were so impressed with how the children engaged in the lesson and asked curious questions. They have all brought home a booklet to share the life skills they have learned.

In Geography the children have been learning about physical and human features in our local area. They used google maps to explore their local area and discuss how the land is used in our locality.

On Friday, the children joined the Park Rangers at Hope Street Park, planting over 60 plants! They loved giving back to the community and supporting the rangers to make our local area a beautiful place to be. The rangers commented that the children’s teamwork and enthusiasm was ‘phenomenal’. They were wonderful role models for our school. Thank you so much to those adults who volunteered to accompany us on our trip. Your time is precious and we’re grateful you shared it with us.


Louis, you have been incredibly focused this week. You have managed your distractions and have been an active learner in lessons. You have made the most out of every minute of learning time and have taken huge ownership of growing your brain. Well don’t Louis, we are so impressed with you and your concentration!

For being a supportive learning partner and friend. Sean, you have gone out of your way this week to support others in their learning. You have been attentive to others needs and been patient and compassionate as you grow your brains together. Well done Sean, we are so proud of you! 


  • Don’t forget that our Sports Day is on Monday. This starts at 1:30pm and will be finished by 3:00pm. Please make sure your child is wearing PE kits, brings a water bottle and sun hat for this day. We also kindly ask that you do not take photographs, we will make sure that we take plenty for the website!

  • Should you need to contact us, next week there is a slight change as Mrs Marshall will be teaching Monday-Tuesday and Miss Bassett will teach for the remainder of the week. We will be back to normal the following week.