Year 5 Weekly Blog 30.6.23 ' Being happy is the greatest form of success'

Another week has flown by as we enter the final month of the school year! Just under 3 weeks left. The learning has continued as always with our final English and Maths units getting underway. In English, we have been looking at discussion texts and how these are similar to debates. The children have loved applying their rapid reasoning to debatable questions and we have been looking at how to build upon a point of view.

In Maths, we have started our topic of statistics and have been reading/interpreting line graphs. The children have been using their logical thinking to estimate data tables to find approximate answers.

In RE, we have finished researching about different religions of the world, focusing on the ‘Big 5’. We will then be comparing and contrasting the different religions and discuss how we are similar and different to other faiths around the world. We have been focusing particularly on Islam in our History lessons- specifically the rise of the Islamic empire in the 10th century.

Countdown to the music concert- which takes place on Monday 10th July at 2:15pm- is getting closer and the children’s preparation is running smoothly. We will have a mix of different roles such as our class clarinet playing, grouped clarinet playing, singing and some children playing different instruments.

Let’s Celebrate

Christian, Edi and Connor-Sean for being enthusiastic and focused learners: We are just under 3 weeks left from the end of the year and yet you boys are still super focused throughout lessons. Your enthusiasm for learning still thrives each day and you throw yourself into whatever task is set. You will definitely deserve your 6 week break. Keep this up in Year 6.

Virtue butterflies: This week our butterfly goes to Molly-Ann for being intentional. You have really been taking care of others around you when they are feeling down. You have consoled your classmates with care and kindness. A beautiful sight to see.


  • Extra Curricular Activities: The schedule for Summer 2 has been posted on the sports page of the website [engage-> sport] . This includes cricket club on Tuesdays after school (3:30-4:15) which you will have to sign up for and athletics which will take place on Wednesdays at lunchtime. Unfortunately, the two upcoming events for these sports have been cancelled but inter-school tournaments will be held for each of these. More information is available on the sports page.

  • Sports Day for Year 5/6: The rescheduled date will be on Wednesday 12th July at 1:30pm.

  • Clarinet Concert: Will take place on Monday 10th July and parents are invited into school to watch and will start at 2:15pm. Next weeks lesson will be on a Tuesday instead of a Monday. If you would like to bring in your clarinet on Monday and leave it there then that is okay.

  • End of Year Play- Year 5 will take part in the Year 6 end of year play which will be held on Monday 17th July and Tuesday 18th July- both starting at 6:30pm. Information about tickets are on the ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ blog on the Year 5 page.