Year 3 weekly blog 14.7.23 - "Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey." - Michael Josephson

Our penultimate week! We really cannot quite grasp how quickly the year has gone. Getting to be a part of your children’s journey really is such a privilege. Seeing each child grow is a true gift for a teacher! Your children have accepted all challenges and tackled them with courage and perseverance, until they have reached the other side, grasping new skills and developing as people. This week this has only continued! We have thrown ourselves into our final writing piece, creating our own story versions of The Iron Man. We are very excited to close this topic next week as we celebrate by watching the Iron Giant.. with a couple of end of term treats.

On Monday afternoon we were invited to watch Year 4 and 5 as they performed a clarinet concert. This has filled our class with excitement! Next year brings lots of new and exciting opportunities for our children, learning to play a new instrument being one… one the children will absolutely love! We have completed our spreadsheet topic in computing this week. We have discovered all about cell addresses and once again we had a class buzzing with excitement and focus as the children competed to solve the puzzles set. We can be quite the competitive class!

The children have continued their learning of time and have been solving problems with duration, calculating start and end times. The children have been so resilient with their learning of time. A special shout out must go to Seth, who has embraced the challenge of telling the time with determination and a smile.

We came to the end of our geography unit this week. The children wrapped up everything they had learned with a paired poster about our local area. As today was our final Friday in Year 3, the children had a creative and reflective afternoon. The children created Watercolour self portraits, celebrating their Year 3 memories and achievements. It was wonderful hearing the children share their favourite moments and laugh together at forgotten memories.

Excitingly, our wonderful castle has been completed this week! On Thursday, we had an opening ceremony to share how we can stay safe and look after this fantastic new addition to our playground. The children could NOT wait to have a play in the castle during lunch and play times! I am sure lots of happy memories will be made in the castles playing with friends.


For asking curious questions and thinking outside of the box. Toby, you have impressed us so much this half-term with your eagerness to think creatively and share your thought provoking ideas. Your poster about our local area showed how inquisitive you are and how determined you are to showcase your brilliant thinking. Well done Toby!

For bursting with curiosity and determination! Rory you have shown this week how much you love to learn over and above the curriculum. You love to challenge your brain and learn new skills. Your geography work at home and in school, has been exceptional and a true reflection of your growth mindset approach to all learning. Well done Rory!


Plastic bag for books: Please can you make sure you bring in a plastic bag on Tuesday. We will be sending work books home on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Iron Man: The children have requested that they bring in a treat and drink of their choice to enjoy whilst watching The Iron Giant (on Tuesday). Please can we can sure that all drinks brought are still, not fizzy. Thank you!

Mass for Year 6 and Mrs Hodges: On Wednesday we will be walking to church to celebrate our fantastic Year 6’s and our caring, wonderful Mrs Hodges! Please make sure you have a waterproof with you just in case!

2PM close on Thursday: We end our year on Thursday at 2PM for the summer holidays!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Bassett and Mrs Marshall