Year 5 Weekly Blog 14.7.23- ' Performance art is about joy, about making something so wild that you can't put it into words'

Our last full week of the year! And it has been a fantastic and jam-packed week. We started the week with our clarinet music concert. It was brilliant to see all of the hard work that the children have put in this year - in a showcase to celebrate their efforts. The children were amazing with both their clarinets and their singing. I’m sure you parents though will be glad to see the back of those clarinets…

On Tuesday, the children finally got to test their cooking skills in DT as they made Spaghetti Bolognese. The children definitely looked the part and I hope that all of their creations were as delicious as they looked.

The rest of the week consisted of lots of play practice, ready for the first performance on Monday, where the children will perform in front of the school in the day and then for parents in the evening. The same again will take place on Tuesday. We wrapped up our final English and Maths units this week, with us focusing on bus and school timetables in statistics- luckily they won’t have any problems getting the bus to high school now! In English, we planned and wrote our discussion text- discussing if all children should learn to swim. The children got their wish as we will be turning the classroom into a debate hall as the two teams prepare their arguments. This is the focus of homework this week.

Let’s Celebrate

Charlie for being a co-operative learner: No matter the activity or the group of children you work with, you always strive to be an excellent team player- bringing calmness and love to the group. I have loved watching you play outside as well in different sporting activities as you never let the emotions of the game get the better of you- a role model in this regard.

Leo for being a creative learner: You have provided some excellent reasoning this half term during our discussion texts and arguments. You always develop your points and build on your reasoning (an excellent skill for Year 6).  Thinking outside of the box is not an easy skill but for you it just comes natural. I look forward to see you in our debates next week.

Anncia for being a focused learner: We may be at the very end of the year and lots of children have been getting giddy and losing focus throughout lessons- this is not you. Even having to do maths after play practice all day- you still remain on task and put 100% of your focus and effort into your work.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Georgia for being intentional. Your commitment towards your role in the play has been a joy to see and you have been making good choices all throughout our practice sessions.


  • End of Year Play- Will take place on Monday and Tuesday, starting at 6:30pm for parents. Please can all children arrive at school for 6:10pm. Children can come back to school in the evening in their own clothes and they will get changed in school.

  • Library Books- Any library books that have been taken home from school need to be returned ASAP.

  • End of Year Reports: Have gone home with the children today. Please check your child’s bag if they have not already made you aware.

  • Growing Up Lesson: On Monday, boys and girls in Year 5/6 will be split for separate lessons on ‘growing up’. All children have been given a letter which explains this in further detail. If you have any questions regarding this, then please drop either myself or Mrs Gregan an email.

  • Year 5/6 Sports Day- 3rd time lucky!!! The rescheduled date for our sports day is Tuesday- starting at 1:30pm.

  • End of Term- School will close on Thursday at 2pm for summer.