Year 6 Weekly Blog 'the earth is what we all have in common' so let's look after it!

Happy Green Eco-Day everyone! Thank you for your donations!

It is another busy week next week, with the play. Most of you have ordered and received your tickets now. The show starts at 6:30pm and will be approximately 2 hours long. The children need to arrive at school at 6:10pm, to get changed in to their costumes. They all look fabulous in their outfits, thank you so much for making such effort. Here is a sneaky peak at rehearsals …

This week in class, we have discussed the arguments for and against home-schooling- a topic that was raised in our class novel. Our Maths and Geography has continued. During PE, this week we partnered up with some of our Reception friends, and made a game up for them to develop their fundamental skills. Year 6 loved it and were so lovely with them all.

Our ‘Castle Hodges’ has now been opened and we had a lovely blessing, naming and opening ceremony as a whole school, with who better to cut the ribbon, than our very own Miss Hodges! It is safe to say, the castle is a huge hit amongst all ages and Year 6 are relieved that it has been built just before they have left, as apparently this was their idea in council!

On the last day (Thursday) we thought it would be lovely if the Year 6 parents came to collect your children at the later time of 2:15pm, this gives more time on the playground to say your goodbyes and to take any pictures that you may want to take of their final day at Primary School.

We are all looking forward to the leavers day out next week! It is imperative that all children MUST have a bag with them, containing plenty of fluids, a snack, hat and sun-cream. They may also need a waterproof coat as it is so unpredictable at the minute. They are able to wear their own clothes on this day, however please could we be mindful of the appropriateness of outfits as they are attending mass first. Sensible shoes for walking must also be worn.

Reports have come out today with the children, I hope you enjoy reading and reflecting on them, they have so much to celebrate from their time at Our Lady’s but like everyone, always something to take away and learn from. The most important part of your child’s report, is the one written by us, as their teacher. We celebrate the WHOLE child, not just their performance on one day, so please let this be your focus and not the SAT’s results. SAT’s results are in the pack, so please have a good look at them along with the explanation- the standardised score on reaching expected for all papers was 100. Remember, results from a test never define you as a person, just look at what they have all achieved this year- there is so much to celebrate and be proud of!

Well done to Max and Asher

Wow Max, eyes are drawn to you while you are on stage. Your enthusiasm, confidence and delivery is infectious. Thank you for working so hard on your character, and doing your absolute best on stage! You know every single word of the songs and remember all of the dance moves- we are so impressed!

Asher, you are such a gentleman and an absolute pleasure to work with in the hall, as you push yourself daily out of your comfort zone to give your very best and you are doing amazing! We are so proud of the confidence you are showing! Likewise, in the classroom, you show great independence and focus- what an all rounder! Thank you.

Intentional and Prophetic Butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intentional in the choices they make, thinking about the impact this has on the world and others around them. We will also be spotting children who are prophetic, who do good deeds and who stand up for that is right. This week we thank Evie for being intentional and prophetic.

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jack James Jacob M Jacob O

Final Notices:


A letter has gone home today about a grown up talk on Monday, please have a read of this over the weekend and if you have any questions just give me an email.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory performance: Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July at 6:30pm. Children to arrive at 6:10pm.

Spare school shirts (not to be worn) for signing need to come in to school on Tuesday 18th July and be kept in trays until ready for signing.

Leavers Mass Wednesday 19th July 9:30-10:30am followed by the leavers day outing.

Thursday 20th July- Break up at 2pm.