Year 5 Weekly Blog 7.7.23- ' Acting is behaving truthfully under imaginary circumstances'

Just 9 school days left now and yet there is still so much to come! It was a big week for the children as they had their transition into their new classroom for Year 6. With transition day taking place this morning, Year 5 secretly had their transition morning on Tuesday as Mrs Harrision, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker introduced the life of Year 6. The children were full of excitement and were bursting with questions to ask their new teacher.

Our week has been taken over with lots of sessions in the hall- practicing for the Year 6 end of year play. The children have just thrown themselves into their roles and have loved taking part in such a big play. With the first performance taking place on Monday 17th July, I am really looking forward to see what the children can do on the big stage.

Learning is still flowing inside the classroom, with more debates and discussions taking place in English. We have had a look at what grammar skills are often found in these texts and have been practicing these so that the children will be comfortable using them in their own writing. Statistics have continued in Maths, with us looking at how information in tables is displayed and how we can interpret these. The children have found this interesting as we have looked at some real life statistics such as train stations and population across countries of the world.

In DT, the class have made their final preparations for their cooking lesson this upcoming Tuesday. The children have all gone home with their ingredients list- giving them enough time to prepare these and to bring into school next week. In History, we have been looking into what made Baghdad so special during the golden age. The children compared houses and trade routes from the UK and Baghdad and how they became so powerful.

Let’s Celebrate

Georgia for being a co-operative learner: You have been working really well in maths alongside your learning partner by bouncing your ideas off each other and contributing to group tasks. You are getting more and more confident with your maths and sometimes you just need someone to reason with and to discuss your thinking. Keep it up!

Daisy for being an enthusiastic learner: I can tell that you have loved your learning this year, simply because you are always on task. Straight away you’re getting your book, sat straight down and on with the learning. You understand that really focused tasks require the most attention and you also love taking part in group activities in our foundation subjects. Well done!

Betsy for being a focused learner: Managing distractions can be very hard to maintain across an entire school year but you have been able to do this. You don’t let others, who are not focused, to distract your learning- giving you the best chance to progress. This super focus will be important next year so keep this up.

Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Leon. Your lovely comment towards Miss Nevis really made her day and cheered her up after a long busy day. You didn’t have to make that comment and nobody told you to but yet you went out of your way to say something positive to her.


  • Sports Day for Year 5/6: The rescheduled date will be on Wednesday 12th July at 1:30pm.

  • Clarinet Concert: Will take place on Monday 10th July and parents are invited into school to watch and will now start at 2:30pm. All children need to bring their clarinets in on Monday.

  • End of Year Play: Year 5 will take part in the Year 6 end of year play which will be held on Monday 17th July and Tuesday 18th July- both starting at 6:30pm. Information about tickets are on the ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ blog on the Year 5 page.

  • Eco-Day: On Friday( 14th July), we will be a fundrasing day to raise money for the eco-council. The children can bring a pound in to wear any green own clothes that they have. The money is to replace all of the bins around school- which have been there for over 10 years.

  • Thursday 20th July-Is when we break up for the summer holidays at 2pm.