Year 3 Weekly Blog 20.9.24- ‘Bonjour!'

Our class worship this week was led by Dexter, Halle and Jacob, the children enjoyed singing their chosen hymns and listening to the story of creation. Henry S, Scarlet and Blythe will lead our class worship next week.

In RE, we tried to imagine a world of nothingness…a world without God’s creations - no stars, no animals, no light, no singing birds. We thought about what our favourite creation of God’s was. We discussed the differences between what we need and what we enjoy and thought of questions we could ask God about creation.

On Friday morning we walked down to the parish centre to join parishioners for coffee morning. The children were fabulous, they entertained with their French song and confidently spoke about what they have been learning in french. Thank to Ruth’s Nanna who baked some delicious cookies for the children to enjoy whilst we were there. It was lovely to see family members there to share the event with us, thank you.

Our maths lessons have focused on using number facts we know to help us add three numbers. The children have been impressing us with their rapid recall of number bonds and their mental addition strategies. Next week we will revisiting bridging 10, remembering strategies we learnt in year 2 and building on those. We have continued telling the time in minutes. The children know that there are 60 minutes in an hour and have telling the time to the nearest minute. Please keep practising telling the time at home; this is a skill that will only be embedded with lots of practise.

In English we have continued reading Paddington and laughed at his unfortunate mishaps. We have compared chapter 2 in the film and book and are looking forward to reading about what Paddington gets up to next!

We had our third Kidsafe lessonon Thursday. The session letter can be found opposite.

Thank you to those who took the time to attend our induction evening on Wednesday - I know how busy family/home life can be so it was very much appreciated. Please don’t worry if you weren’t able to make it. Here is the presentation from the evening with all the essential Year 3 info you need, if you need any further information or have any questions I can be contacted by email -


Logan  you have been such a reflective learner this week. You have given your brain the time it needs to think and have taken great pride in your work and your learning particularly in maths. Well done Logan!

Patrick - For being a resilient mathematician. Patrick, we have been so impressed with your determination this week. Our Maths work was a little tricky but that has not deterred you from trying your best. You didn’t give up and instead put extra effort into growing your brain. Well done Patrick!

This half term’s virtues are attentive and Discerning.

Our Virtue Star this week have been awarded to: Bonnie

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Ruth
Marvelous Manners: Jacob


  • Please fill in the medical and consent forms, if you are yet to do so.

  • The children will be going to the library on the 25th September to change their books. Don’t forget your library books and library card. We will be leaving school at 2pm and would be very grateful of some extra adult support. If you are free, please can you email Mrs Naylor, it would be great to have a couple more volunteers.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Carter and Miss Hennessey