Year 3 Weekly Blog 6.10.23 -Practise creates confidence. Confidence empowers you.” – Simone Biles

We have had a lovely autumnal week in school, on Monday we managed to get outside between the showers and had a fantastic PE lesson. We had a mini games tournament, using the skills they have been working on this half term. They showed great teamwork and sportsmanship and most of all had lots of fun.

Our class worship was led by Ellie-Rose, Scarlett and Alice. They shared the parable of Jesus turning water to wine and as a class talked about miracles and remembered other parables where Jesus performed miracles. We sang and danced to one of our favourite songs - My Lighthouse and then finished our worship with Prayers the girls had written.

In English, we have been writing letters to Aunt Lucy telling her all about Paddington’s adventures with the Brown family. We’ve worked really hard making sure we have included extended sentences in our writing, with main and subordinate clauses.

In Maths we have continued our learning of time and have been using years, months, days, hours and minutes to talk about time. The children have clearly been practising writing the digital time, the more practise the better!

We looked at symbolism and poetry in Genesis and the creation story in our RE lesson. The children really impressed me with their ideas about symbolism and their explanations of the symbols and what they represent. I wonder if they can remember some of the symbols and tell you about them?

In geography this week, we began our Polar Bear enquiry and read the book ‘Can we really help the Polar Bears?’. The children researched how polar bears are adapted to living in the freezing Arctic, how climate change is having an impact on them and what they can do to make a difference. This lesson sparked some brilliant conversations about global warming and climate change. The children have understood that everyone can make a difference and that we all have a responsibility to care for God’s world and it’s creatures.

We have had another great computing lesson - the children are really enjoying learning how to use spreadsheets on purple mash. This week we used the more than, less than and equals buttons to help us write equations, the children were set a really tricky challenge where they had to use the button to work out the answers to some very difficult multiplication equations. We also used the spin button to make time table machines.

We had our fifth Kidsafe lesson today. The children supported KS who had yukky feelings, from overhearing his parents/carers arguing. The session letter can be found below.


George L - What a wonderful week you have had. You have made wise and kind choices. You have shown what a wonderful learning partner you can be and how hard you can work when you focus your brilliant brain. We are so proud of you George and can’t wait to see more of your brilliant learning this year. 

Alice - You have been a Brave Tommy Turtle this week. You have shown that even in situations when you feel a little scared or unsure you still do your absolute best and succeed. We are so proud of you.

This half term’s virtues are Curious and Active.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Louisa and Alice.


  • Please fill in the medical and consent forms, if you are yet to do so.

  • Thank you to everyone who has booked a parents day slot. Please see last week’s blog for all the details.

  • Manchester Museum Trip - We will be leaving school promptly at 8.30AM on Friday 13th October. We recommend children arrive no later than 8.20, to allow time for a quick toilet stop if needed. Children who usually do fencing can still attend, they will just finish a little early. We should be back in time for a normal school pick up. A text will be sent out, should we get stuck in traffic. Huge thank you to those who have volunteered to come with us and to be reserves.

  • Year 3 Assembly: The children would like to invite you to their first class assembly in KS2. This will take place on Thursday 2nd November, with two showings at 2:10 and 2:35. We look forward to seeing you there.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly