Year 5 Weekly Blog 6.10.23- ‘Safety isn’t expensive, its priceless’

You can tell we have entered October now with the weather changing every day- with lots of rainy days throughout the week. I have been super impressed with the children’s reading focus this week as they all strive to get their rocket to the sun.

In Maths, we are coming to the end of our place value unit. After a full week of rounding, we have begun looking into roman numerals in more detail- in which the children have found fascinating.

In English, we are in the planning phase of our writing and we are re-writing the first two chapters of the The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and changing certain elements of the story.

In History, we have continued learning about Ancient Greece and have reenacted the Battle of Marathon to really tell the story through drama. We have also looked into what life was like for women in the ancient Greek times and how they were treated.

In PE, we have continued to work on our rugby skills and focusing on how to pass effectively within a team. Inside, all of our gymnastic groups have been planning and rehearsing their final sequences- consisting of mirrors, matches and counter balances.

In RHE, we did our next lesson on Kidsafe which was all about online safety.

Let’s Celebrate

Isaac and Roseanna for being determined learners: You have both been smashing your reading targets this week and have shown a brilliant attitude and work ethic when it comes to reading. Keep it up!

Millie for being an active learner: You are always engaged throughout every subject we do and are active in every task. Your commitment to extra curricular activities makes you an active member of our school- a real role model for our school.


  • Parents Day- Will take place Friday 20th October. If you haven’t booked on yet, please visit Mrs Gregans blog to book your time slot.

  • Half Term- School will close on Wednesday 18th October at normal time.

  • Harvest Festival- We are collecting cereal for the Fylde Foodbank- which we will take to Harvest Mass on October 12th.