Year 1 Homework 6.10.23

Reading Books

Please continue to read each day, little and often is best to start, the you can build it up. Some of the children are starting to quiz on their reading books. Use the bookmarks to help ask different questions about the story, can your child retell the story? These will help them answer a few questions on the quiz :).

Mary Seacole ongoing challenge

My homework challenge is to do some research about Mary Seacole that you can share with the class. You can be as creative as you like, think about how you might display, present or share this research in class. You might want to build a model to help, you could draw a picture and write some interesting facts like a fact file, or you might even want to make a video like a news report!

Please bring your research into school on Monday

I am excited to see what you discover.

Purple Mash

PLease continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond