Year 3 Weekly Blog 24.11.23 - Don’t be afraid to step out, have dreams, have visions, have hopes and always, always, always believe in miracles.

Our class worship was led by Lucia, Rosa and Jackson, they told the story of Jesus healing many (Matthew 8:14-16) and read prayers they had written. We sang our class favourite - My Lighthouse and spent a little bit of time thinking about how we could be Faith filled and Hopeful in the weeks running up to Christmas. Thank you Lucia, Rosa and Jackson for a leading our Prayer and worship, you will be our Prayer monitors next week.

In RE we have listened to Luke’s account (1:30-32) of the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary to tell her God had chosen her to have a very special baby. We thought about how Mary must have felt, we agreed that Mary would have felt a little bit scared and perhaps worried but admired how she put her trust in God. The children wrote diary accounts from Mary’s point of view explaining what had happened, how she felt and her reply. We also wrote ‘coat hanger’ poems including information about Mary and Joseph.

In English, we have have read The Green Children by Kevin Crossley-Holland and Alan Marks - this English folk-tale is about two green children in mysterious appeared in Woolpit, Suffolk and were discovered by villagers. The children were mesmerised! Next week we will be reading a similar story before gathering ideas to write our own.

In Maths we have been counting in 8’s. The children have all got a copy of the 8 times table to display at home, so that they can look at it frequently and build their fluency. Please continue chanting the 4 times table at home too and asking multiplication questions here and there. The more practice the better!

In History we learned about the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae. The children used the evidence found at the excavated site, to learn about what life was like all of those years ago. The children are loving this History topic and are asking such curious and thought provoking questions!

On Thursday we visited our partner class, Nursery. The children took part in ‘Dough Disco’. We splatted and squished play dough to the beat and strengthened our hands as we did so. The children thoroughly enjoyed spending time with the little ones and we were so proud of their patience and kindness towards them.


Liam - Liam, you have been such a determined learner this week. You have made the most of every opportunity to grow your brain and have enjoyed challenging yourself to learn more. You’ve been pushing yourself outside of school too and have made brilliant progress on TT Rockstars! Well done Liam, we’re so proud of you!

Joseph - Joseph you have been a brave learner this week. You have shown great courage and resilience in the classroom, on the playground and at swimming. Remember if you believe it, you can achieve it. Keep going Joseph, we are proud of you!

This half term’s virtues are faith filled and hopeful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Lucia and Rosa.


  • Parish Pantomine - On Friday 1st December Year 3 and 4 will be watching Dick Whittington at the Parish Centre. Payment for this is now on parentpay and is £6.

  • Advent Mass Monday 4th December - We will be going to advent mass with year 6, it would be lovely if parents could join us for the walk down to church and Mass, we will be setting off from school at 9.10am.

  • On Friday 8th December, our Christmas jumper day, we will also be hosting the very first Our Lady Christmas Bake Off as a fundraiser for our school. We can’t wait to see the delicious creations!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly