Year 1 Homework 24.11.23

We will be starting our Geography topic soon, we will be looking at our local environment and our home addresses, please could you bring in a stamped envelope with your child’s name and address on by Friday 1st December, thank you.


Mrs Hotchkiss has filmed the Year 2 children singing some of our songs today. The songs are easy to remember and very catchy - I hope you enjoy singing along too! The Lyrics are attached too so you can practise together.


Please keep reading at home books have been changed today. Please can you ensure that your child’s reading folder comes in to school every day. As we aim to listen to all children read to an adult at least once a week and change their books.

Purple Mash Ongoing

Please continue to practise logging on and off Purple Mash.


Our spelling test will be on Friday 1st December, please practise these at home:

do is has

so by was

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond