Year 3 Weekly Blog 13.10.23 - ‘When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and hope.’ Wangari Maathai

This week our class worship was led by Martha, Nathan and Anna. They shared the story of Jesus raising the widow’s son and led us all in song.

In Maths we have continued been calculating duration, using start and end times. The children are getting really good at converting minutes into hours, using their knowledge of 60 minutes in an hour.

In English this week we read chapter 5 of Paddington, he got lost in a shop! Mrs Brown and Judy had to give the store security guard a description of Paddington so he could be found. We thought about what we knew about Paddington and what we would include in a description before writing our own. 

We’ve continued looking at spreadsheets in computing, this week the children were challenged to follow instructions to make picture on spreadsheets. To be successful they need to know how to locate a cell address and change the cell colour. They enjoyed finding locating treasure on a spreadsheet treasure map and were challenged to add their own treasure for their friends to find. 

For Black History Month we learned all about Wangari Maathai and why she is such an inspirational black woman. The children reflected on her quote, ‘when we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and hope.’ We discussed how this meant more than just planting trees and how small actions can make a big difference. The children thought about a cause they care about and what they can do to make a difference. Their ideas were inspirational, we have a class of world changers in the making!

On Friday, we visited Manchester Musuem and had a brilliant day. The children were such curious and active learners. From dinosaurs, to skeletons to mummies, the children explored them all. Whilst looking around the exhibits they created an interactive book on book creator. Their enthusiasm for learning was contagious and I have no doubt the children will be asking to visit again. As always, they were role models for our school and made us very proud. Thank you so much to those who volunteered to come along with us. We’re very grateful for your time and it was lovely having yours with us.


Anna - Anna, what a ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ you have been this half term! You asks inquisitive questions to deepen your understanding and make the most of every lesson. You give your brain the time to think and never rush your work. Your Polar Bear Enquiry was fantastic; bursting with information and pro-active ideas about climate change.  Well done Anna!

Mia-Grace - Mia-Grace you have been such a brave learner this week. You have shown great resilience and enthusiasm for learning. It has been lovely to see your big smile in class! We are so proud of you!

This half term’s virtues are Curious and Active.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Isaac and Albert.


  • Year 3 Assembly: The children would like to invite you to their first class assembly in KS2. This will take place on Thursday 2nd November, with two showings at 2:10 and 2:35. We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Our first half term swimming has been fantastic, we are sure the children have told you all about their lessons. As teachers it has been fantastic to see the progress the children have made in just a few weeks. Their confidence in the water is growing each week. The YMCA run a number of swimming clubs that may be suitable for your children to attend. More information can be found on the YMCA website here.

  • Thank you to everyone who sent in teabags for our harvest collection, they have been sent to our local food bank for distribution. 

  • We break up for half-term on Wednesday at normal time. We look forward to speaking with you on Friday 20th for Parents Day.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly