This week’s Advent Liturgy was led by Eliza, Michael, Ruth, Barnaby and Wren in the Chapel. We spent time thinking of those who are not as fortunate as ourselves and may find this time of year difficult. We spoke about how we could spread love and kindness in our community. Henry proudly told us how his family have been collecting food and gifts to distribute to those in need. We all agreed that this was an amazing act of generosity and kindness.
On Thursday we watched the Mark 10 Mission episode.We heard St John the Baptist telling us that someone is coming. He wants us to get ready for the joy of meeting Jesus. In the Mark 10 Bag, we found Mary and Joseph on their way to Bethlehem. This is the time when they were getting ready for Jesus to come. Greg helped us to learn from Mary and Joseph as we prepare for Christmas. We prayed and sang the beautiful Advent hymn 'Prepare Him Room.'
In RE we thought about the real meaning of Christmas and used the ipads to make word clouds.
On Monday Miss Hennessey took the children in small group to travel our Advent Pilgrimage, Prayer stations has been set up around the school, each one dedicated to parts of the Nativity story. The children spent time listening to scripture, reflecting and praying at each station.
Our learning this week…
English - We’ve finished the Greenling story and saw how Mrs Barleycorn’s opinion of the Greenling changed. Once the Greenling felt love and knew Mrs Barleycorn cared, he thanked the town with an amazing harvest. As Autumn arrived the Greenling left. Will he return in spring when the flowers grow? What do you think?
We have started planning our own Green Children stories, making adaption to the original story.
Spelling - The focus spelling focus this week is apostrophes for contracted words - see homework blog.
Computing - This week the children have been debugging code! They’ve used the skills built up in this unit to spot, correct mistakes and then test their new code.
Christmas Concert Practise
We have been in church for two rehearsals this week. Children have worked so hard to make something very beautiful. We can’t wait for you to see. More detail below about drop off times on Monday. Please encourage your children to keep practising our Christmas Concert songs at home - it’ll soon be here. There are 3 video on this weeks homework blog with all the songs we have been learning.
Bake off!
Wow! What a talented bunch of children (parents and grandparents) we have in year 3, your cakes and bakes were amazing. It was lovely to hear the children speak so confidently about their bakes to the class, well done everyone. Our Year 3 Bake Off Winner was Bonnie.
Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Halle
Marvelous Manners: Edward
Reminders and Notices
Monday 16th December at 2pm and 6pm - Christmas Carol Concert at Church. Please can children come to church at 5:45pm in their full school uniform. They can leave their coats with you and come straight to the altar to get ready.
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas party day! Come in your Christmas clothes!
On Thursday December 19th December we will have a DVD afternoon. Children can bring a small snack - like a chocolate bar or crisps and drink (non-fizzy) for the film. No nuts please.
We break up on Friday at 2pm.
Christmas cards - It’s that time of year! We’re asking children not to send individual cards to their class friends, if your child would like to send a card please send one card to the whole class. Let’s look after our common home and save paper.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy