Year 3 Weekly Blog Friday 10th January 2025 - Happy New Year1

Happy New Year! I hope you all have had a peaceful and restful Christmas - last half tern was really long and I think we were all ready for a break and a rest. This half term is much shorter, we have got straight to work and I’ve been so impressed with the children’s focus.


Our first week’s worship was led by Isla, Sasha and Logan. They spoke about the three kings who travelled to see Baby Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12)and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We thought about the gifts we could offer Jesus and asked God to guide us to do what is right and to use our gifts to change the lives of others for the better.

On Thursday we watched the Mark 10 Mission episode We listened to the Gospel, and heard how Jesus met on the bank of the River Jordan. He had been baptised by John the Baptist when suddenly the heavens open and God the Father spoke some amazing words. This is a moment of awe and wonder! Greg helped us know that God the Father loves each of us just as much as he loves Jesus. We held this truth in our hearts as we prayed and then joined the Sisters as they sang the action song 'Shine Jesus, Shine."

Our learning this week…

English The children have written their adapted versions of the Green Children story. We have recapped the skills we have learnt before Christmas break and the children have included them in their stories.
We have started our new class novel - The Wild Robot by Peter Brown, we are thoroughly enjoying it. Peter Brown is also our author of the month for January, he has written a number of books, I have set the children a challenge to try and read one in January.

Spelling - The focus spelling focus this week is common exception words - see homework blog.

Music - In our music lesson we learned about music used to celebrate Chinese New Year and heard the story of Nian.

Geography - We have learnt the countries that make up the united Kingdom and their capital cities. We have also been looking at the regions the UK is divided up into and ordered them from smallest to largest.

French - We can count to 12 in French! We played some dice games and were only allowed to say numbers in French - it was tricky but we had lots of fun.


Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Marla
Marvelous Manners: Heidi

Virtue - Blythe

Learner of the Week - Jacob - our first star of the new year, you have come back to school focused and determined to get the most from every leaning opportunity. You have made wise choices and managed distractions and have produced some wonderful writing. I hope you continue to make wise choices and look forward to seeing how much you progress this half term. Well done Jacob!

Reminders and Notices

  • Please ensure your child is coming to school with a suitable coat, hat and gloves. It has been very cold this week, a coat at the very least is essential.

  • Our Mini Vinnie’s are collecting warm clothing and blankets to donate to the homeless. They’re also collecting tinned soups during the month of January for our local food bank, any donations will be greatly appreciated.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy