Year 2 Weekly Blog Friday 10th January - "Be faithful in small things because it is in them that youur strength lies" Mother Teresa

What a wonderful start to the new year. It was clear on Monday that everyone had had a lovely holiday - we shared all our news before we leapt back into the learning. My Happy Mind moved onto the next module - “APPRECIATE”. This linked in so wonderfully to our virtue of gratitude - we immediately understood what it was all about. What we did not necessarily realize was the impact being grateful has on our brain. It makes us feel great! This week we focused on the people we are most grateful for and mums and dads come out tops! In RE we started the journey with Jesus from “The dessert to Galilee”. Firstly, we reflected on John the Baptist. He was Jesus’ cousin and baptized Jesus at the beginning of his mission. We learnt that John was full of the Holy Spirt and this meant - God was with him. On Friday we had a special council meeting during which we reflected on our two new virtues: faith-filled and hopeful. This half term we will try to have faith in others and never lose our hope in people and situations - things can always get better.


We have started our new topic of “Amazing Birds” in English. This week we have been reading about British birds and collecting some really tricky vocabulary. Did you know Owls regurgitate bones and fur in a pellet? In maths we have explored the world of comparative maths - this led to a deeper understanding of difference. In Geography we were off to London (not literally sadly). We linked our understanding of human and physical features to London and we discovered that it is a very big busy place! We said a massive hello to Miss Bassett who has come to teach us on Monday for PE and all day Wednesday. She had a lovely time. She taught computing. We are learning how to devise a branching database. This linked in beautifully with our science as we explored how to classify living things and items thinking hard about similarities and differences. Our Music will link to our geography as we visit different places in the British Isles and sing Folk songs! On Thursday four members of the class joined Miss Lavelle for Forest School - and my goodness did they have a wonderful time! We will all have a chance to go - at some point (be patient). Finally, we welcome the lovely Mrs Carter into Year 2 - she too has had a lovely week and we thank her for all her enthusiasm! Our super Mrs Carragher will be leaving us shortly to have her little baby and she will be sorely missed - she is spending precious time with the team passing on all her knowledge.

I little treat below - our singing of a British Folk Song. Do you recognize it?


In Geography we start locally and then zoom out - county - country-continent - the world. Exploring this scale is fun for curious children. I remember how I had a globe jigsaw and I loved making it. I also loved learning the names of all the countries. Can you have fun learning the countries of Europe?


This week our Virtue Star of the week is:


This week our Learning Certificate - Curious and focused - goes to:



Marvellous Manners: Aubree

Role Model of the week: Arthur


PE - returned to our normal days Monday and Wednesday.

Homework is handed in every Monday and goes out on Tuesday.

Tuesday February 4th Our Class Assembly 9:10 and again at 9:35 in the morning - we would love to see you!

Have a lovely weekend from the whole of the Year 2 team.