Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.09.23 " Education… like democracy is always in the making, forever incomplete and founded in possibilities”

What a busy week it has been! It is hard to believe that it has only been two weeks of the new school year. The focus for the start of the week was all things London. What a trip it was, still hard to believe we did it all in one day and the children were still full of energy at the very end of the night. We got to see lots of wonderful sights such as Big Ben, a tour of the Houses of Parliament, and the London Eye. I was super impressed with the children’s focus the following day and their effort throughout every lesson- learning through thee yawns.

It was brilliant to see so many of you on Wednesday night at induction evening and finally meet some of you. For anyone who didn’t manage to make it, here is the PowerPoint slides from the evening.

In English, the children finally found out what our first novel of Year 5 is- which is the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The children were ecstatic as many children have already seen the film and many are also eager to discover this fantastic story.

Flu Vaccinations

Please follow the link below to fill in the flu vaccination form for this year - stating whether you want your child to have it or not. This is a simple nasal spray, done within school time

The school code to enter when asked is BP119627

Medical and Consent Forms

If you have not done so already, please follow the links below and fill in these crucial forms so that we have up to date information about your child. I cannot put any photos online our our first couple of weeks in school until I have all forms in.

Let’s Celebrate

Archie for being a co-operative learner- I have seen you work with lots of different people this week and on our trip to London. You have been so polite and cooperative with everyone and treated everyone the same. An excellent quality to have both in the classroom and on the football pitch.

Pippa for being a brave learner- What a day out in London you had. You battled through your sickness and that bright and bubbly personality did not change once throughout the day. You still took part in all of the activities in the day and shared your insights during the tour. You deserved the extra two days off.

Ruby for being a brave learner- You have settled into life at Our Lady’s so well and have interacted with everyone in the classroom. You have thrown yourself into every activity and have become a much loved member of Year 5.

Elsie for being an active learner- You have gone above and beyond in helping around the classroom and keeping the Year 5 ship steady. You have carried out your class job excellently and have offered to help in other areas as well. Keep it up!



Forms- Please make sure that all of the forms above have been filled out and submitted.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 5 team