Next week sees the return of the sports fixtures - weather permitting! It always seems to throw a spanner in the works. Please pray for dry weather.
Training will take place every Monday morning at 8am. All children from the three squads are expected to attend.
The Year 5 & 6 A team and Girls’ Football team will play fixtures for the next 4 Tuesday evenings. The results of these games will not be recorded, they are friendly fixtures to practise their skills and tactics.
Children need to be collected from school and taken to AKS ready for fixtures to start no later than 4pm. Both fixtures will be over by 5pm. All football fixtures are being played at AKS, apart from Heyhouses. We will play at their school.
The Year 5 & 6 B team will be training ready for the tournament that will take place in November. All three tournaments will be competitive.
Kits will be organised over the coming week.
Training for the netball team is taking place every Monday and Wednesday lunch for the next week, then just Monday lunches going forward.
The fixtures will take place at home and away venues. Please collect the team for the first two fixtures and take them to the school that they are playing at.
Games will start at 4pm and finish by 5pm.
Kits will be organised next week.