Year 5 Weekly Blog 8.9.23- "Life is an open book with blank pages, you write the story as you go”

It has been amazing to have the children back to school and to really meet the new Year 5. I have been so impressed with how well the children have settled in and got stuck straight into every task that has been set- I cannot wait for the upcoming school year. We started our week by having a catch up on the events of summer and getting to know each other and also introducing some of our class roles, responsibilities and games. We ended the day outside with the popular parachute- in which I promised the children on transition day that we would use it on our first day together. This was great fun whilst also getting to know the children better.

In English, we have been learning about the Blitz in World War Two and how so many children have to be evacuated and separated from their homes. This has been done to provide a background which leads into the opening of our new class novel (the children are very eager to know). Today, we did some role play of what it felt like being an evacuee in which the children were separated into random groups to be sent off and we also practiced getting to safety when the sirens went off.

We began our Maths topic this week of place value and we used our dienes to help get the children’s brains ticking again and thinking about mastery of number. The children showed excellent retrieval of their knowledge of numbers to 1000 and we have begun to breach into larger numbers such as 10,000 and 100,000.

We have got stuck straight into our History topic as we prepare for our trip to London. The children have learned all about Ancient Greece’s physical geography and how they rose to power- especially Athens. This has lead to us learning how democracy was discovered and how we use this in todays society.

We kickstarted our Kidsafe lessons again in RHE as we recapped on our Kidsafe rules and discussed what ‘trust’ is. The children can recall who their trusted adults are and took part in some trust themed games.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Cora for being an enthusiastic learner- Your energy and enthusiasm really does light up the room. Your hand is constantly up as you want to share your ideas and contribute to the lesson. Just remember not to shout out as you don’t want to give away any of your answers.

  • Erin for being a focused learner- You have been super focused this week and have been first to listen to every instruction. Your calm and collected approach has really allowed you to focus on your learning.

  • Benjamin for being a creative learner- You have really impressed me with your different interpretations into our place value topic-especially when portioning large numbers. Just make sure you don’t rush and you always double check your work!


  • Induction Evening: Will take place on Wednesday 13th September at 3:30-5:00. Children can take their parents of a tour around the classroom and there will be lots of information and activities for both child and parent to engage with.

  • Autumn 1 Sports Timetable: Has been posted on the sports page of the website [engage-> sport]. This includes information regarding the sports clubs for this half term such as the football and netball teams, fencing and dance. Each club has a form attached on the page which needs to be filled out and any payment required before the child can participate.

  • Art t-shirts: Can art t-shirts be brought in from next week.

  • Trip to London: Will take place on Tuesday 12th September. Information regarding the trip is included on the letter. Any medication needed for the trip can be brought in but will have to be given to a member of staff attending the trip.