Welcome back!

Welcome back to nursery everyone, and a Happy New Year! I hope all had a fabulous Christmas and managed a little rest too. It was so lovely to see how the children were happy to be back at nursery.

We have started this year finding out about ‘dinosaurs’. This was the children’s request and we have learnt so many facts already. The children are really growing their brains!

If you click on the button below you will be able to see everything we will be doing this half term. Perhaps you can get involved at home too. I will be sending home little challenges for you to do.

As you can see we are going to be extremely busy! All this on top of what the learning we so on a daily basis!


Religious Understanding.

This helps children to understand why the Bible is so special to Christians, showing us that Jesus loves us and is a role model for us to copy in loving one another. We discussed the Gospel account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, showing that He loves us and is a role model for us to copy in loving one another.

We looked at our Bible in nursery and then challenged ourselves to be good role models to one another and show Jesus’ love in all that we do.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome back. I hope you have all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year. It has been lovely listening to the children excitedly telling us all about their experiences over the holiday period.

Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and gifts, it is very much appreciated. We hope you all liked your boxes.

This week we have begun a new topic, by request of the children we will be learning all about dinosaurs. As you know, some of the children are already experts in dinosaurs, so I expect they will be teaching us grown ups a thing or two. We have begun by looking at the different types of dinosaurs and have explored and investigated their differences and similarities. We then discussed our favourite dinosaur and had to tell our friends why we had chosen that particular dinosaur. Mine is a Parasaurolophus, because I like the idea that it used its horn to make a noise. Maybe you could draw a picture of your favourite dinosaur and bring it in next week. This is a good game to play with your child, it made us do lots of thinking, growing our brains as we investigated and asked lots of questions about dinosaurs. Click here.

We have continued to practise our letter sounds, we really do know quite a few now. We have not forgotten them over the  Christmas holidays!  We have also really enjoyed our PE lessons this week, as we now do PE on a Wednesday as well. We are getting so good at putting our shoes and socks on now and nearly all of us can now zip up our coats. With practice we know that we will all get there!

Have a lovely weekend everybody and we will see you next week,


Cherry tots

As well as practising our Fundamental Movement Skills we have also started ‘Cherry Tots Dance. These are activities with words, actions and music designed yo help young children to recognise and react to their moods and emotions. This week we have been ‘Sad and Glad’ cherries and ‘Quiet and Mad’ cherries.

Emma’s Blog

Happy new year to you all, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and new year. I've really enjoyed listening to the children talking about what fun they got up to over the holidays. 

As we approach the end of our 1st week at nursery of 2024, you are not going to believe what we have been up to. One word... Dinosaurs! This half term, to start of our brains growing we will be learning all about dinosaurs. As you can imagine, the children are very excited. 

As we become paleontologists and dinosaur explorers. We have been digging and searching for fossils and bones in the sand, using our small brushes and mini spades to search with. The children found different sizes of bones and were trying to work out, by the size and shape, which part of the dinosaur body they came from. The children enjoyed doing this, so we decided to make our own fossils out of salt dough. The children helped to make the dough and we used different parts of a dinosaurs body, or fossils, and printed them into the dough. When it dries out, we will add a bit of colour to them and then hide them in our sand for the children to dig and search for. Here is a link to see some facts all about fossils. Click here.

We have also become dinosaur explorers. Andy the explorer, on cbeebies, has inspired the children and nursery ladies to go on a dinosuar hunt in the school woodland trail. We had to look for dinosaurs hiding in the bushes or up trees. We were so happy and relieved that we found the nine dinosaurs that had escaped from nursery! We put them all safely back in our explorer's backpack and took them back to nursery. The children and nursery ladies had so much fun!

We have been exploring what different dinosaurs eat. Those that have only a diet of meat are carnivores, those with a vegetarian only diet are herbivores and those who eat both are omnivores.

Which one would you be? 

On Wednesday, something very exciting happened and the children couldn't believe there eyes. We found a dinosaur egg in nursery!

The children are going to keep it safe and look after it and we will have to wait and see what's going to happen to it. I will keep you all posted. 

Have a 'roarsome' weekend, 

See you all on Monday  


Andy’s Adventures

Dinosaur facts, want to know more, click here

Parent questionnaire

Each year we send out a questionnaire for your feedback about nursery. We are always seeking to improve our practice so if you could take a few moments to complete it we would be most grateful.

Lastly, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday for even more fun and learning.

God Bless
