Year 5 Weekly Blog 19.01.24- ' Motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how well you do it'

Yet another week has flown by as we are approaching the half way point of this half term! Regardless of the very cold and icy weather conditions, the children have soldiered on and cracked on with their learning as usual.

Landmarks have been the theme in our geography unit as we mainly focused on the famous physical landmarks of North America such as the Rockies, Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, Death Valley and many more.

In English, we have been using our sci-fi nouns to produce extended noun phrases. The children have also been able to link their science knowledge of the solar system into their sci-fi writing to discuss planets, outer space and other outer world objects.

In Maths, we have been looking at the connection between factors and multiples and finding common multiples/factors between two different numbers.

In Science, we looked at how planets move within space through rotation and revolution- depending on your position from the sun.

In RHE, we carried on from last weeks focus of pressure and looked at ‘consent’ and ‘body autonomy- looking at what that means and how that may be portrayed within different social settings.

In RE, we have begun to look at the beatitudes and analyse the key vocabulary in each beatitude to create understanding. We have then been able to link these to our own inspirational people and how people in our lives portray these beatitudes.

In PE, we have started our new outdoor topic which is hockey. We spent the first lesson going over the safety procedures of using the equipment correctly and learning the technique of passing. We have started up our gymnastics topic in our indoor PE lessons in which we have focused on cannoning and unison movements and how that might look on the mat. Lots of our children also got the opportunity to represent our school in the indoor athletics competition this week. These photos are available on the sports page of the website.

Let’s Celebrate!

  • Benjamin for being a focused learner: I have been really impressed with your focus these past couple of weeks Benjamin. You want to succeed and complete all of your learning tasks and this is a credit to your focus. Even when you have finished your work, you are always looking for the next learning challenge and to not use that time to mess around or distract others.

  • Ella for being an enthusiastic learner: I have loved your enthusiasm this week Ella! Your hand has been shooting up with you out of your seat trying to answer the question. This has come from you wanting to show your hard work and focus which has been excellent to see. Keep this up!

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Role Model of the Week- Gabriella

  • Marvelous Manners- Benjamin


  • Coats- We still have some children coming into school without a coat on. Especially in these conditions, all children need to have a coat in school.

  • Homework- The homework blog is now live. Please keep on track with homework as our spellings have increased from 10 to 12 words each week and that our multiplication homework is regularly practiced.