This week.....

A blustery week! Some days we struggled to get outside in fear of blowing away!!

Nonetheless, our learning has known no bounds. In our quest to find out as much as we can about dinosaurs we even incorporated into our PE sessions! Mr. Nay has been so inspired that he bought a book all about dinosaurs and created new dinosaurs games to practice our Fundamental Movement Skills! Click here to find out more. On Wednesday we pretended to move like dinosaurs to the dinosaur song. Have a go at home….click here and enjoy!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a fantastic week of fun and brain growing.

We have met new number this week, 6.

We have been very excited as the 'Number Block' 6 has introduced us to a dice and we have been having fun exploring it. From subtising, to copying the numbers with the same amount of number blocks and pom poms, painting dots on the dice and even having a go a writing number 6. We have be so busy. Click here

We have also met some new letter sounds, e, r, h, l, and special friends 'sh'.

The children have really enjoyed meeting the sounds and working hard to learn them. 

We have been continuing to make tricky obstacle courses in the garden with different height obstacles with the children crawling through large hoops, lots of balancing and jumping. They are enjoying the challenge and are also strengthening their muscles, sensory processing and building confidence, and most of all, the children really enjoy doing it.

You may have noticed that the children have brought home a fantastic fossil that they have made. We have been waiting for them to harden before we could add some powder colour to them so the children can see the indentations, shapes and shadows of the fossil. They all look brilliant. 

To continue with our thread learning about dinosaurs, the children have been very busy with Justine, making a very large junk model stegosaurus, adding lots of different materials, boxes, and paint using different colours to give a textured skin effect. The children will continue to add more objects to their stegosaurus and I will keep you all updated on how it's coming along.

The children have also been looking at dinosaur pictures to work out how tall they are using number blocks, by building the blocks to the height of the dinosaur and then counting the number of blocks. It was a bit tricky but the children loved the challenge.

There will be more details to follow soon.

Have a great weekend everyone see you all on Monday.  


Emma’s visit to the Museum

Donald Rodney art

We are so very excited to tell you that the school and nursery are going to be entering an art competition with other local schools. It is going to be held at the Heritage Centre in Lytham during February. The competition is about different artists, as the school has been looking at black history, we have decided to focus on The Black Art Group, which was an association of young black artists who were inspired by the black arts movement.

Our art work has been inspired by is by an artist named Donald Rodney. We have explored some of his art and noticed it was monochrome with black and white drips running down his pictures.

We decided to use our ‘feelings’ as a vehicle to create some Donald Rodney inspired art. Like Donald we only used black runny paint and each mark represented an emotion, for example, a wavy line means calm, a swirl; happy, two lines together; sad, a zig zag; scared and lots of dots meant we were excited. The art that the children have done is truly inspired. Each child was able to describe how they were feeling at that moment in time: a snap shot of emotion. Take a look and see if you can spot how we were feeling.

Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week's blog 

We have continued to explore our topic of dinosaurs and have been testing our knowledge with Andy's quiz on cbeebies. 

We have also explored where dinosaurs lived and gave made our own volcano, this enabled us to learn words such as lava and eruption. Here is how to make your own volcano at home Click here

We have been very busy learning some new letter sounds this week and have been keen listeners as we need d to work out if we had any of the new sounds in our names 

Recognising our names written down is an important skill to learn. Every day the children have to identify their bag by looking for their name tag. Sorry if it takes them a little longer at the end of the day for them to spot their name. Any practice you can give them at home would be fantastic.

We also met Number 6 this week and have been number detectives working out all the different ways to make number 6.

Hope you all have a good weekend and we will see you next week.


Meet our new sounds

Click here for ‘h’

Click here for ‘l’

Click here for ‘e’

Click here for ‘sh’ - special friends

Click here for ‘r’

See what you can find at home using these sounds. Good luck!

Hello Number 6

Click here to meet number six

Counting to 6. This episode give another opportunity to develop counting skills from 1-6. Watch out to see if your child uses one to one correspondence (match one number name to each object) and, know the number names in order.

Subitising Dice Patterns. The children experince reconising the spot patterns on the dice without counting. This is known as subitising. Being able to subitise small quantities has been shown to be a key skill in developing number sense.

Have fun with six.

Click on the button to make a dice at home

Worship - You’ve got a friend in me

This week we discussed friendship and the different qualities of a positive/negative relationships. We learnt to look to Jesus as a role model for being a good friend.

We have tried all week to be part of Team Jesus (one of our friends at nursery though of the name). We have been casting our net to be fishers of people to join our team.

As usual we have been working so very hard. Next week we will continue to challenge ourselves and to learn even more!

Have a lovely rest this weekend.

Stay safe and God Bless
