Year 2 weekly blog Friday 4th October "I wisely started with a map" JRR Tolkien

Psalm 139 - You know me Lord.

This week we explored the above Psalm and responded with poetry. We talked about how it makes us feels to be so close to God. We could feel His protection. Our school moto - you are precious in his eyes also reminds us that he has chosen each one of us. When reflecting on how we could feel His presence, we decided that we would need to be still and pray.

On Tuesday George, Toby and Daniel led us in worship. The boys helped us to once more reflect on our closeness to God. On Thursday we celebrated a special birthday - KS was 7! a massive thank you to Daisy and Rhys who both sent Birthday cards in the post!


What a busy week. Tricky maths adding and subtracting multiples of 10 to 100. In English we’ve had a great week exploring Fairy Tales with a twist! This time there was a Big Bad Pig; a Prince Cinders and a can of magic baked beans. We’re ready now to have a go at writing our own Fairy Tale with a twist! In science we explored Macrohabitats and Microhabitats. I was very impressed with the children’s animal knowledge! In PE we rolled, jumped and balanced on Monday and and practiced those football skills with Mr Murray on Wednesday. More art with Mrs Mather and music finished the week!

A massive thank you to our three mums who joined us on our Geography field trip around our “coastal location”. The children are getting to grips with OS maps and symbols. We were able to identify human and physical features although the golf course - proved tricky to classify.

As you can see KS had his birthday and we kept the cake secret for a whole week. We reflected on all the rules and key learning from these important lessons -


A microhabitat can be as small as the space under a rock. Can you explore your Garden or the dunes on the beach and discover what is living there. Can you look up their scientific names?


This week our Learning certificates went to:

Matilda – I love teaching you! You listen carefully to all the lessons. Once you’re back at your desk you do your absolute best no matter what the task is. I’m especially impressed with the determination you show in spelling – segmenting the sounds so you can hear each part of the word. Spelling is hard but the more we practice the more neuroplasticity we experience and then suddenly we can just spell it!

George – it is a joy to teach you ! You are always ready, polite and excited about learning. You’re so keen to share you ideas and I love the way you just get on with the task in hand. You have shown our class what an Our Lady Star is truly like: Caring about others whilst doing your absolute best!

Our Virtue STAR for being attentive and discerning is Olivia Heyes


Role Model of the week:  Heidi 

Marvelous Manners of the week: Evana


After Half Term Mrs Mather will be diving into our DT topic. We will need plenty of the following items: egg cartons, tubes (not toilet roll) - basically anything suitable  for constructing  their models.

Thank you to the families who have contributed to our Harvest display in class. We have begun to collect tinned vegetables - it would be lovely to fill the worship area.

Next Thursday is Mental Health day - “HELLO YELLOW” - yellow makes us smile so we are inviting you to come to school sporting something yellow - t-shirt, socks, dress etc.

Next week is Harvest on Friday Morning - we would love extra adults to walk with different classes to support the staff - keeping ratios high. If you are free we would love your help.

Trip to Blackpool Friday November 22nd - we are looking for 2 more volunteers - this trip is now on parent pay.- £17

Have a wonderful weekend from the whole Year 2 team