Homework is now due back on Wednesdays
During our feedback sesions it was clear that some children need to revise and practice telling the time and converting time between anolgue and digital and 12hour to 24 hour clock. Please use the folowing website to help you and then complete the worksheets provided. If you need to spend more time on this then please ask a grown up to help you.
This week’s spelling focus are words from the Year 6 Statutory word list. There is a quiz for you to complete on PurpleMash.
Mrs Barker’s Group
circle maybe angle whenever therefore exclaimed
Please continue reading at home for 20 minutes each night, the children are making good progress towards their reading targets.
The Bible
This week, as we head towards World Book Day, the most important book of all, centred around our faith is the bible. Can you read a story together from the Bible? Can you retell the story to a friend?