Year 5 Weekly Blog 8.3.24- ' A book is a dream that you hold in your hands'

It is truly one of the most special days in the school calendar! World Book Day brings an opportunity to express themselves through costume and bringing imagination to life via storytelling. Thank you to all of you hard working parents for your help in prepping these costumes and for making the children’s days so special.

We began our day with looking into the ‘Greatest Book in the World’- The Holy Bible. As a class, we discussed some of the most common stories from the bible, in which we retold these stories by designing posters. The children then began to describe their magical object and create description from this- these objects would then play a part in their own story that they created.

After we had finished our story, we created some artwork so reflect our magical object and we paired up with our buddy class to share what we had created. Year 2 also presented a class story that they had created- in which every character of the child’s costume was present in the live retell of the story.

Other than the fun of World Book Day, other aspects of our learning has continued to grow. In Maths, we have continued the hard work with short division and the use of the bus stop method. In English, we have spent the week putting our ideas and developments into formally written paragraphs as a part of our discussion texts.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Ola for being a focused learner: You display this learning characteristic in every single lesson Ola. Even when you have missed a day of school, you don’t use it as an opportunity to get out of learning, you are so keen to catch up on any work.

  • Elsie for being an inquisitive learner: I love your curiosity to develop your vocabulary! You are always asking for the meaning of new words and looking for ways to expand your range of exciting vocabulary.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our butterfly this week goes to Niamh for being loving and compassionate. You are never one to cause an argument, fall out with anyone or hold a grudge because you handle every social situation with love and kindness.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    • Role Model of the Week- Bella

    • Marvelous Manners- Rose


  • Parents Evening Appointments- This will take place between 2:00pm-5:30pm over the course of two days, which are Wednesday 13th March and Wednesday 20th.

    Please book your appointments on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

  • Easter Assembly- Our focus in the lead up to Easter will be the Crucifixion, which will take place on Wednesday 27th March at 9:15am.